I think that guy feed them on purpose for some odd reason because after the first turtle went he kept on filming and didn't try to get the turtles out. If I saw that I would have put down my camera and fished those turtles out before it was to late...
Why would anyone put such a tiny turtle in with a large aro? They are feeder size! My soft shell turtle is about 5" long who shares the tank with a 10" green aro and 6" oscar. Everyone seems to be getting along just fine. There used to be 7 silver dollars in there as well but the turtle killed two of the larger ones. The remaining 5 were moved to another tank and are doing well.
Aros would eat all types of critters in the wild including small turtles and frogs/ lizards. Frogs and lizards have extremely sharp claws as well, but they seem to make it in and out. .
Either fish food or bottom of the soup pot out there for soft shells. They are bred by the millions out east and a few lucky ones make it into the hobby as pets.
Mine is awesome. Piles of personality unlike most other species of turtles
I heard some guys feeding crawfish to super reds for the carotine..... And thats a tough sharp shell to say the least...
Those poor lil softies would be like a soft little blood sac at that size not much different than a pinky mouse, rubber boned snacks for sure.