Big fish


Super Moderator
Not a lot og large fish available these days.....or none that I fancy. Hrmmmm. Still no rays yet from brazil. And monster fish to stock my tank to go with my Sr, bd, plat rtc, st and shoal of large black barred SDs. Want more large SDs of the balk barred variant but nothing! Sigh
What about a crazy-ass gar? :D

yeah...p14 is in my sight but nothing yet is available....looking to grab one or two when it does become available.

I would love to grab one of those gars...
Have you considered a flagtail? Great for keeping the tank clean. Maybe a shoal of jumbo clown loaches? I still have to grab some pics of the tig. Sorry been very busy at work.
I'd gran your tig foresure ifvit wasn't for shipping such a beast over to Toronto! I've had flagtails suck on my rays before so trying to stay away.
I've been lucky with my flagtail and it hasn't touched anything. Have you tried one in your bigger tank? Maybe it will make a difference.
I haven't tried a Flagtail in my 450...for some reasons my big ST and SR doesn't like shiny fish! lol...they constantly chase my shoal of SD's around but they're faster then them...I have a feeling introducing a flagtail won't be so good for him! lol
I have a regular clown knife that is 20", it is very mellow with rays and can stand up to pbass, no problem.