Blast from the past

Yeah, I love having a couple quality rays and a nice Asian aro. In future if I go that route again, I might make it two female rays as I do notice that if you have a single male and female that at some point the male often starts nipping or biting the female around the disk. I don't think the same happens with just a pair of females.

I think my "show tank" in future will be a trio of nice rays - male and two females - along with a nice Asian arowana and then a small school of silver dollars. Hopefully having two females will disperse the males aggression enough.
An update video from Nico of one of his amazing albino rays:

I'm pretty sure that they have focussed their marketing nearly 100% on Asia, with maybe a bit for Europe. The prices that high end albino rays carry in Asia is still very high. As funny as it sounds, I don't think they really want (or need) the publicity of contests and what not.

Your rays doing okay these days? I think you got them as pups from Dave in Ontario?