Building My 1600 and Basement Setup

Well I finally finished my basement aquarium room and thought I should post some updated pics of it and a video too.



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My friend...if I may call you that! have a lot of work to do to up your fish and tank...Not Nearly as classy and good as some of the others here....step it up a notch won't you!

Man, its more like a store then a room. How come your wife didn't kill you for having that many tank? any trick? :). I love the stingray on the floor should have add some white dot so it can be more like BD hehehe. When are you going to open for public?
Congratulations on your great home aquarium achievement - very inspirational! I bet you could get an article written up in a specialty home decor/design magazine if you wanted to... :)
Lol, just showed my wife your setup. She says don't even think about it! Your basement is bigger than my house! Lol
It looks like you sealed all of the joints first and then sealed the plywood in 3 steps. Would you mind sharing how the process worked and what products you used? Did you use glass or acrylic windows?
My 3 year plan includes building a new house with a 18x3x3 in-wall tank with 2 8ft windows. Tv and electronics above it. Not exposed to the humidity of course.
I first coated all the wood with a product call S-1 which is a epoxy with very low viscosity which basiclly all the wood is sealed (can not tint or color this product), at this point if I wanted to I could have just siliconed the joints and filled her up but this I did just for back up in case the main coating failed. The second thing I did was all my viewing windows which are glass I did the perimater in an epoxy call cold cure which you can tint any color you want and which you can silicone the glass to it. My top layer I use a product called Blue Max which is just trowel on liquid rubber and it is blue. So now the reason behind the different products is that the blue max will bond to epoxy and so does silicone but silicone dose not bold to the blue max so you need that transicion product. That S-1 is great for sealing up the canopy or air space above as well, All my tanks have closed type conapys and my average house humidiy is about 40-55% depending on what the weather doing outside.
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The other thing you I forgot was the blue max recommends using there peel n stick tape on all the joints and corners, which I did as well.
Thanks man. I am going to use acrylic just because I already have it ,but I'm not sure what I'm going to use to seal the tank with as acrylic doesn't seem to stick to anything. Thought about using Zavlar for the tank but I'm not sure what to use to seal the acrylic window. Any thoughts? I've read a bunch of build threads today but there doesn't seem to be a product that bonds to acrylic and Zavlar. I might bite the bullet and buy the glass.