My tank leaked, and water leaked into the condo below me, and while I'm not sure what the final outcome will be, I have a wild feeling this will result with me having to give up my fish tank. I got away with no big upsets for 4 years now, but the streak is over in a bad way.
If anyone can offer this guy a tank that has at least a 5'x2.5' footprint, I will let him go for $1500 plus shipping. I paid $3000 + tax for him as a 14" fresh import. He's now 22" at least and perfect. He's big, bold, beautiful. Has perfect fins, and is very colourful. Eating NLS colour enhancing pellets, Hikari Massivore pellets, and crickets like a champ. He has been successfully housed for 6 months with several good sized bala sharks, torpedo barbs, rainbow fish and clown loaches with no problems, which is rare for this species.
Anyway just PM or email me at [email protected]. That price is firm, otherwise I have a broker who will pay that much, or I can keep him with a friend until I figure out another solution.
Thank you,
Justin Morash
My tank leaked, and water leaked into the condo below me, and while I'm not sure what the final outcome will be, I have a wild feeling this will result with me having to give up my fish tank. I got away with no big upsets for 4 years now, but the streak is over in a bad way.
If anyone can offer this guy a tank that has at least a 5'x2.5' footprint, I will let him go for $1500 plus shipping. I paid $3000 + tax for him as a 14" fresh import. He's now 22" at least and perfect. He's big, bold, beautiful. Has perfect fins, and is very colourful. Eating NLS colour enhancing pellets, Hikari Massivore pellets, and crickets like a champ. He has been successfully housed for 6 months with several good sized bala sharks, torpedo barbs, rainbow fish and clown loaches with no problems, which is rare for this species.
Anyway just PM or email me at [email protected]. That price is firm, otherwise I have a broker who will pay that much, or I can keep him with a friend until I figure out another solution.
Thank you,
Justin Morash