Coming Soon!!!

The panda loaches look amazing! Been a long time since I've seen albino Adonis available, very cool plecos.
Oh no sorry to hear that!

I do like pikes though! Aquamonsters has a lot of rare pikes right now! The zebrina would be a nice addition but I've heard pikes can be quite mean!
Oh no sorry to hear that!

I do like pikes though! Aquamonsters has a lot of rare pikes right now! The zebrina would be a nice addition but I've heard pikes can be quite mean!

Pikes are very nice fish...
I really like my pike which is why it is still alive after eating $65 worth of
All kidding aside I would never harm a fish because of my own stupidity....
I knew there was a good chance they would become a snack when I introduced them to the tank because of their size.
I still want to add a couple altifrons to my tank...:)
Pikes are very nice fish...
I really like my pike which is why it is still alive after eating $65 worth of
All kidding aside I would never harm a fish because of my own stupidity....
I knew there was a good chance they would become a snack when I introduced them to the tank because of their size.
I still want to add a couple altifrons to my tank...:)

No problem! Let me ask around for you and see. Size do matter with pikes lol.
lol Mike you really push it this time with that monster list. Mangrove Jack :). would be nice to have zebra pleco and panda loaches :). only
lol Mike you really push it this time with that monster list. Mangrove Jack :). would be nice to have zebra pleco and panda loaches :). only

David. I'm started a zebra plec and a loach tank for the apartment! Probably keeping a pair or 2 of Taiwanese gobies in there as well.

I have your school of TATF coming also!
If you can get me 3 larger Mahseers and 1@ 8-10" Mbu, then I'm in. My issue is I no longer have a quarantine tank so these guys have to go directly into one of main tanks which both house large aros over 24".
If you can get me 3 larger Mahseers and 1@ 8-10" Mbu, then I'm in. My issue is I no longer have a quarantine tank so these guys have to go directly into one of main tanks which both house large aros over 24".

Can be done. I pmed you the associated costs for the masheers and mbu!

I introduced my masheers to my main tank right upon import since i had no other tanks for them. They are wild caught fish but I took the chance anyways. Everything is fine. I added prazi to my entire tank just incase. But just a heads up.