My computer crashed and accessing photos has been a real pain lately; anyway, here is the long awaited update.
background to this fish is that it was imported as a Gold Cross Back from Panda Aquatics for forum member Hondas3000 back in 2009; he was unhappy with it due to perceived PLJ, and Panda offered to replace it after 3 months if he remained unhappy with it. According to Panda this fish had a "scissor mouth". After three months, Hondas3000 was still not happy with the fish, but Panda decided not to provide the promised replacement fish. I found a new buyer for the fish, refunded Hondas3000, and took a personal loss of a few hundred bucks. Such is life.
After almost two years, Hondas3000 - and many others, were right - this fish did turn out to have PLJ.
But here is the funny part. The fellow who ended up with the fish has absolutely no problem with the PLJ, nor even the DE. He literally could not care less. He is kind of pissed off, however, that the fish never crossed. I think you will agree that this fish has some reasonable pearlies, and it also has a nice blue base core scale colour. But according to the current owner it should really be judged as a HBRTG.
From my perspective, this fish shows the difficulty WTT presents to buyers of small size (6 inch) Gold XB, of not being able to judge whether the fish will eventually cross or not. I've never been a fan of WTT and continue to believe it stacks the odds of the farms against the consumer. But there is nothing that can be done, I think all farms use WTT these days.
I should mention that this fish was raised in a tank with very low wattage shop lights too.