I think there are no true RTG's left.
I have been searching for a pure RTG for the last 8 years.
I have only seen pictures of a couple.
NO ***NONE*** 5th level shine. at all.. period..
complete 4th row..
looks amazing, and you really can tell the difference compared to all the hybrid highbacks..
I was told, (correct me if im wrong) that in the 80's everyone just considered them gold and red, all the pure rtg's were put in ponds with xbacks..
by the time the hobby was really spreading in the 90's, there was no more pure rtg's available for sale.
I also agree, most highback rtg's have a lower gold intensity then more pure rtg's, however a lot of that could be upbringing, water, food ect.. I can't say for sure its cross genetics.
love to hear more input on this.
Would you consider the RTG from this thread a "pure" one?