How to move a big arrowana

never use fish net, use bigger fish plastic bag the size is depends on travel distance and time. put the bag in the tank first, fill in with water, have the arowana swimming into the bag, make sure it enter with head first, dont chase from the tail that may scare the fish and cause it jump. as it fully enter the bag you have to close the opening otherwise it may jump out. the aro will usually jump either the bag is too small or there isnt enough water inside the bag.
Thanks Howard... Now I a very afraid. glam is going to come by and help me though. Wish me luck
X2 on Howards method, but I've also used a koi sock with aros that are too big for any bag. Drop the water level, and only leave one part of the tank open, just incase he decides to go aerial.
Tim, make sure you have very strong bags. Double or triple bag would be best...even though the aro may be inside the bag and it's closed...he can very very easily rip through the double/triple bag, lower water level, and when you lift it out of the tank make sure you have a big big or your styroform box very close so you can put it inside right away and close the lid to darker the light...once out of your tank and into the box/container the aro will sometimes go crazy so best to cut out the light and into a box in the even it bolts out of the bag....good luck...
strong bags are a must...i've had mine jump through a double bag when we were putting it back into the new tank..that was not fun....good thing the fish didn't injure itself when it landed on the floor....
How big is the aro?

3 x 4mil poly bags would be good if the aro is under 22 inches. Once the fish is in the bag it MUST be sedated(before you lift him out of the water) or it will freak out and blow right through the bags.

Large aros over 26 inches if you can't find large enough bags move well with catch and release fishing cradles. Once they are moved into a shipping container sedation is important.

Hopefully you have some stabilizer ready.

Best of Luck!!
I have sedated a fish before with clove oil and alcohol but this fish is 16 Oreo inches so inches. Is this really neccesary? I have move a 32 inch bodied stingray no problem but this is scaring the crap out of me
Where can u get sedation stuff? They don't seem to have this kind of stuff at the standard fish stores. Thanks.
Well unfortunately this did not end up so well. Buddy who bought it was concerned that the fish was not eating after 2 days...... I went to his house checked out the water parameters checked out the fish and it was how I brought it over "perfect". He started discussing 2 week guarantees and crap and frankly started going down a road that was pissing me off. I told him I would take it back but right now not in two weeks or when the thing jumps out of the tank. I asked him to grab me a garbage bag I scooped the fish out and left. I am seriously done with selling fish to anyone local and if I can help it done selling fish
What the hell? hope this is a Buddy of yours and not just dope head...does this guy know anything about fish and relocating of fish and sometimes they go weeks without eating?

As far as I'm concern once a fish leaves my house it's the responsibility of the buyer and not mine. I always have the buyer look real hard at the fish before they scoop and I even feed to show them that they do eat....

I agree with you on selling fish.....these days....too many Cr@#$ from unhappy buyers...or is the expectations and inexperience out weighting the trade!....

Anyway....selling is always going to be part of this hobby!...unless you donate! :-)
Even worst..I'd have told to guy to fly a kite!....good condition when he got the aro...which means well fed and taken care off....2 days not eating is so normal after moving to a new tank and environment!....good of you to take him back!...better in your hands then his!