How would you rate this fish?


Arowana blogger
As post states, how would you rate this fish?


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It is this fish, five months later:

A month or two after its importation, I sold this fish at a discount of several hundred dollars on behalf of the original customer and am now personally making up the difference of several hundred bucks out of my own pocket. This is called after sales customer service I think? :D

So now the original customer gets his money back, the new customer got a hell of a deal, and I end up with no commission on the sale of the same fish - twice! As a result of this farce, Panda will no longer provide replacement fish for "perceived" deffects in future. Oh well, I try my best. :rolleyes:


  • PandaXBApril2009.jpg
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To be quite honest, I never thought it was such a big deal to begin with anyways. It certainly didn't get "a lot worse" as someone suggested in the original thread.

Anyways, keep up the good work Theo.
I don't notice the PLJ any worse than it originally was. But then again, it's only been around 5 months. Who knows, may be worse in 2 years or just stay the same.

But I have to say, that is great customer service Cirrus!

Other than that, the aro still looks pretty good.
I say if a little PLJ and he complains. Then he's going to waste alot of time looking for the perfect aro.
I gave up on those kind of things long time ago. Once an aro is in my tank its my baby even with defects. Nothing is perfect
My red has PLJ also, when i got it i knew nothing about aros so i had no idea that it was a defect. but the bulldog look as grown on me, plus someone has told me that is good for feng shui (something about money grabbing). BS or not it had made me feel better about its defect.
i think this is the risk ppl have to take if you choose to save hundreds or a thousand dollars from buying online.

I am at Toronto and many LFS are selling aro with phsical defect even with swim bladder problem, those are the fishs they receive they cant just dump it to toilet of course, but they would never mention the bads of the aro and only tells the goods.

Has anyone at Toronto experience any LFS guarantee anything about aro? when $$$ goes into their pocket then thats it.
that a nice looking aro too bad that the previous owner was kind a picky i personally wouldn't mind that aro but you did the right thing theo always try to please everybody remember what goes around come around .
I agree, I have to make sure all customers are as satisfied as possible. After five years of importing I have shown I am not out for a "quick buck", and my reputation as a broker is built one customer at a time.
Glad to see the aro reduced its PLJ and did not GET WORSE AS I SUGGESTED. It certainly look very different now. Congratulation to the owner. Too bad my SR ended up as I SUGGESTED.
I agree, I have to make sure all customers are as satisfied as possible. After five years of importing I have shown I am not out for a "quick buck", and my reputation as a broker is built one customer at a time.

Keep it up theo i salute you what goes around comes around, don't aim for quick bucks just think of your good name.
At the end of the day, Theo, this is a very small circle we live in. If you lose out on a profit (twice!) but you gain that customer satisfaction, it goes a long way for your name. I always like to think that trust=speed in business.

Other than the slight PLJ (very slight), the fish has got a nice shine and colouration. Looks like a Panda Crossback to me!
Thanks Bcarlos, I appreciate that insight of yours. Would you allow me permission to include that that link of yours into my signature? :)