Hydrocynus vittatus

Took a crappy iPhone vid the other day so ill try and figure how to upload it here. Never did a vid before.
I think theres a lot of people here that wants to see how big this monster got in the last year! hehe

whats his size now? 20 inch!?

here is someones 15 incher. pic found on the web. cant wait to see what yours look like!

Just a quick vid I took from my iphone to send to Rudy which really doesn't focus on anything just thought some may people would like to look. It does show the tigerfish quickly.


Okay not sure on how to embed this?
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wow everyone in that tank is big!!! that vatf is looking amazing! how are those red spotted taiwanese gobies doing? i sold a bunch local but the killed them all... so yours are the only ones left in canada as far as i know! have they grown?

next up should be a feeding video! lol
Ya there aren't to many small fish in there. To give you a perspective the clown loaches are around 12" that are swimming over the castexi ray. The gobies are doing great and have grown some but I'm use too big fish so it seems like very little to me. They are actually very easy to keep and are great in my small community tank.
Ya there aren't to many small fish in there. To give you a perspective the clown loaches are around 12" that are swimming over the castexi ray. The gobies are doing great and have grown some but I'm use too big fish so it seems like very little to me. They are actually very easy to keep and are great in my small community tank.

Thats great to hear! Glad they are doing well. They are extremely interesting to watch. I like those gobies lol. What size tank are they in? Some pics or a vid would be great!

Would be awesome to see this talk up close. Any recent ray breeding?
The Vittatus and the one dominant Dorado had a little show of dominance once and the dorado ended up with a nice slice across the body. The real problem is keeping the dorados together, they don't allways play nice. I had to seperate the one from the group of 3 as it was the smallest and got picked on by both. I've got the gobies in 90 gallon with a bunch of smaller fish the wife likes, I'll try and get some shots from the side as the front is blocked by some other tanks and sits over a pond right now.
The Vittatus and the one dominant Dorado had a little show of dominance once and the dorado ended up with a nice slice across the body. The real problem is keeping the dorados together, they don't allways play nice. I had to seperate the one from the group of 3 as it was the smallest and got picked on by both. I've got the gobies in 90 gallon with a bunch of smaller fish the wife likes, I'll try and get some shots from the side as the front is blocked by some other tanks and sits over a pond right now.

Crazy nice! Now you got me thinking my 12" Vittatus may not be a vittatus but something else. I don't have the same colors as yours but maybe it has to do with lighting and size. Is that my old gourami at the start of the video on the right? It's huge! How big is it now? That's one of the fish that got me into my first rays from Scott. We did some switchero's!
The Vittatus started showing more color as it got bigger. The gourami is your old one and it is a monster of a fish. I really have no clue how big it is now as I have not pulled out any of my bigger fish since they went in the tank to get a comparison but I'm sure it's above 30" now. When I got that from you I think if I can remember right it was 26`