Mid-Upper Level Tank mates



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Personally, I find Red Hooks well... too common. Don't you want want something like this:

I like the fact that they school especially when in a big tank. I've had KKP's and regular Parrots before with my rays and Aro...not liking the look of them...too many comments from folks thinking my "gold fish" looks cute ...LOL
a huge widebar chen!! thats exactly what you need. =)

besdies that, im not too sure what else would be in the same caliber as your current stock.

I totally agree with you a a huge widebar ST would is exactily what I need...you're always right......;););)
gold tinfoil barbs are great

i never liked them before but now they do a job

1. they eat all the small particles in the water
2. they eat ray crap
3 brake up aggression
4. they are a good indication if your water is good or bad as bad water hits them 1st
5. they are cheap
Ive got access to another 4-5 5" size Silver dollars for cheap...might get those to go with my Black Barred SD's.....hrm...