my aro bit me!


New Member
I have been trying to switch my dynamic red aro back to mp after feeding sw for a while. He hasn't eaten for almost a week, though he did take a small piece of shrimp yesterday.

However, as I was about to toss a piece of mp in the tank today, he came up out of the water a couple of inches and bit my finger! He didn't break the skin but he sure surprised me. Any one else get tagged by their aro?
I would "guess" most aro. keepers did get hurt by aro. bite.

I have been trying to switch my dynamic red aro back to mp after feeding sw for a while. He hasn't eaten for almost a week, though he did take a small piece of shrimp yesterday.

However, as I was about to toss a piece of mp in the tank today, he came up out of the water a couple of inches and bit my finger! He didn't break the skin but he sure surprised me. Any one else get tagged by their aro?
Yup. Me too a few years Ago. Thought my hand wasnhis big prized and bit the side as I was cleaning the tank. happens when you feed them and they get too eager......mine bit me a few times..only the first time it surprises ya....
My RTG nips me on a regular basis, especially if I don't feed him first. He neve draws blood, he just wants the attention. My wee xb will jump 3 or 4 inches out of the water to take sw out of my fingers but never nips my fingers. I don't encourage this behaviour, it actually freaks me out when he does it.
Oh yes, it happens. A few years back I thought my old silver nearly took my thumb off. Drew a lot of blood, and even scratched a notch in my thumbnail.
I was tagged by a 34" silver in the past..... cleaning gravel i guess my pinky looked a bit like a prawn stuck to the pipe lol....
It drew blood
Changing water tonight and when I put my hands inside to clean the inside of my tank, 2 or 3 aros attacked my hands lol. Damn bloody hungry baskets! Just fed them this morning! Have yo be careful now with so many inside. Also the SD's attack me too! Lol