New Order - June 2011 arrival


Arowana blogger
There is another Asian arowana order about to be placed with CV Maju, looking at early to mid-June arrival.

Pm if interested.
Order will be placed in next couple days, last chance to make your deposit and get your fish. On track for early June arrival.
As part of this order, someone has ordered a larger (10-12 inch) blood red type SR.

Until now I have only imported chilli reds from Maju. This is the first time he has blood reds available. Should make for some good photos/video and will be an interesting contrast to the chilli red owned by RTGerry. :)

Money is about to be wired, if you are still debating, let me know fast...
I really wanna see the blood reds as well. There was one blood red that was part of the very first order from Maju that I sold to Richard before. Still trying to contact that person but he's way to darn busy. Kinda regretted selling it.
On behalf of someone interested in getting a blood red SR, I asked Maju the following questions:

I have a question for you about the Blood reds both the 35 cm big ones and the smaller 25 cm ones. Customer asks if they are the same blood line?

How do you grade the blood reds? How are they different at small size than regular chilli reds? How are the adult blood reds different from the juveniles? Tail shape, head shape?


And here is the response:

Good day,

25-35 size has the same line, i put them into big pond, they are grow fast, when the order come ,mostly they are in size 30cmup already with red red color.

The Grade, the shape and head shape are the same, normally they have spoon head type, the most importand must be red color!

I suggest to costumers to have minimum 30cm for the real blood red.

The Blood red type and chilli red type no so much different when they are big. The most importand those type must have real red color not orange!

Thank you and best regards,

I should have photos of both sized fish in the coming days.

Also, there are fish of both sizes coming in which will be very interesting. :)
I still feel kicking myself for selling that bloodred as I got that one with a cheaper price. Lol! Gotta save up for this one. Yes blood red have darker reds than chilli red. Wild blood red and wild chilli reds can easily tell apart but with mixing of super reds now it's harder to tell now except when the full color starts to show. Wild chilli reds have spoony heads and a diamond shape tail and with usually greenbase or goldenbase. Wild blood red have bulletheads and fan shapetail just like a classic RTG body shape, very bulky. Usually have bluebase, purplebase or greybase. However in farms breeds it's harder to tell as both are now cross with each other so results will be base on final color.
I finally got some photos of the larger "Blood Red" SR coming in the next order; I'll be honest and say I can not see a huge difference in colour between the fish in the photo and other "Chilli Reds' that have come in at same size in past. I am taking the Maju's at their word when they say:

Check the pictures ,No orange but Red.

I know one forum member got a similar sized fish in the past that definitely developed a darker blood red colour and so am confident that Maju knows what they are doing when they classify these fish as Blood Red. I am very impressed by the colour shown on the fish in the photos.


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I finally got some photos of the larger "Blood Red" SR coming in the next order; I'll be honest and say I can not see a huge difference in colour between the fish in the photo and other "Chilli Reds' that have come in at same size in past. I am taking the Maju's at their word when they say:

I know one forum member got a similar sized fish in the past that definitely developed a darker blood red colour and so am confident that Maju knows what they are doing when they classify these fish as Blood Red. I am very impressed by the colour shown on the fish in the photos.

The one that I sold to Richard was even darker red in color with full red on the cheek even the lower jaw was red except for the sack on the lower jaw. I'm gonna save up for this blood red in the next future order.
Fish on track for arrival soon.

I will email you all with the specific details.

Looking forward to seeing the two larger size of blood reds coming in on this order.
lol yes a few hundred are coming in but they were pre-ordered and so are spoken for; send me a pm along with your location and contact number and I'll give you a call; I might be able to do a rush add-on for you to the order, but the minimum order would be a few hundred. Alternatively, I think might be able to help you out if you are looking for smaller numbers.
I don't think my single arowana can possibly eat a few hundred frogs. Anyone in vancouver might have some extras to sell?
There is a Vancouver forum member who might be able to spare you a few so you can try them out. Send me a pm with your contct number and I'll pass it on to him.
I'll give you a call for sure.

I just learned that the big blood red coming is in a single box all to itself. From experience this tells me it is going to be something of a monster. :eek:
I'll give you a call for sure.

I just learned that the big blood red coming is in a single box all to itself. From experience this tells me it is going to be something of a monster. :eek:

are they coming tom theo!? i heard 4pm? plz pm or call me and let me know what time. ill leave work early to come see this monster red!!! brought my slr as well!!! =)
Need to bring a barbecue to the airport next time on a sunny day like today. Was fun having the little reunion, look forward to seeing everyone's fish develop.

To those of you in other provinces, I wish you all good luck as your fish fly your way! :)