New Tank Setup

Thanks Dan....struggling now with the setup as I don't have a lot of room underneath ....will get there ...just longer then I had anticipated...
Theo, have you had to clean out or maintain your flow valve that you got with your tenecor system? for each line into the tank my system came with a flow valve and a ball valve..just wondering if I should install both....Vince mentioned about cleaning the flow valve often.....
Theo, have you had to clean out or maintain your flow valve that you got with your tenecor system? for each line into the tank my system came with a flow valve and a ball valve..just wondering if I should install both....Vince mentioned about cleaning the flow valve often.....

The history of my old 150 gallon Tenecor and sump is as follows:

Set it up spring 2006, used it for 6 months with sump, then I took it apart; tank remained apart for one year, then was set up again for one year, but without sump (Kenta called it a leak factory :) ). I finally got around to setting up the sump again last month and it is working great. I have never cleaned out the flow valve/ball valve, but then again I have used the equipment so little that I wouldn't know whether it will eventually need cleaning,

Here is a photo of the tank when I first got it:


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Ok thanks theo. I'm going to install everything that came with the package inculding flow and ball valve.... I can always remove later if become problems. The uv sterilizer I got is 50watt and is massive do finding a place... Will start back tomorrow. Work and home life isn't allowing me to continue today.
well...starting to make progress once again after trying to source a couple couplings...and work and home life not being nice to me!...don't they know I have a big tank that needs setting up! lol....I'm a week behind but plan on getting everything up and running by end of this coming weekend!
ok...water going in as we's going to take a while to fill 450gal! :-)

Wish me luck that there's no leak! LOL....
2 hours later...still filling! LOL......about 75% full and then onto the sump...that's another 100gal for the sump!...dishes are piling up in the kitchen sink...guess I'll have to wash that too now!
OK...2 1/2 hours to fill a 450gal tank and a 100 gal sump. All look great! UNTIL the 4 output into the overflows started to have a slow drip! big deal but just more work. Going to replace the 4 white 3/4 barb ends with our home depot grey colour ones where are suppose to be much better then the white ones that came with it'll take me another hour plus o get that all set up again!...sigh...but very very close!....Oh yeah! circuit keeps tripping when i plug 2 big pumps, heaters, uv and pump to the same outlet! lOL....need to get my electrician into the house to give me more juice!

here are some pics...




well...woke up to no major issues! lol...sigh..

couple things have to fix and will take the remainder of the weekend.

- get rid of leaks at returns into tank....change fittings
- get electrician to change circuit breaks to increase to 15 or 20 amps...can't plug 2 pumps, uv, heater and air pump without tripping breakers! :-)
chen, if you haven't changed your 3/4 male adapters yet...don't use home depot fittings. They are terrible! Trust me, I deal with irrigation contractors on the daily who use insert fittings and they would never go near home depot fittings. Pay more for quality fittings made by Spears or Lasco.

The cost difference is pennies...

sorry forgot to mention, your tank looks beautiful btw ;)
good choice. They usually carry lasco or spears at those places. But, they may not have the exact fittings you need. PM me with the type of fittings you need if you can't find them. I should have it at my work.
Ranco controller with blueline titanium heaters (500w and 1000w).

Stock list...well...just going to transfer my rays over with one red aro....they will be very very happy....
Hey Theo, did you put in filter floss at the top of the sump? as like your sump there isn't a lot of room to put in filter floss.

The history of my old 150 gallon Tenecor and sump is as follows:

Set it up spring 2006, used it for 6 months with sump, then I took it apart; tank remained apart for one year, then was set up again for one year, but without sump (Kenta called it a leak factory :) ). I finally got around to setting up the sump again last month and it is working great. I have never cleaned out the flow valve/ball valve, but then again I have used the equipment so little that I wouldn't know whether it will eventually need cleaning,

Here is a photo of the tank when I first got it: