hey guys i just got this order in at the beginning of the week and i couldn't be more impressed so i wanted to share some of the photos of cv maju's bbxb and SR with you.
thanks guys
they are housed right now in a 72" 26" 26" i was hoping they will get along well being that there are 15 in there. i am getting a much bigger tank built right now, do you guys have any tips to make them get along better?. they are already starting to nip at one another
thanks guys
do you guys have any tips to make them get along better?. they are already starting to nip at one another
I see you already have a few hydro power heads, just aim them near the top level or hire Daidee to be on watch
Good call! I need the money so I can finally get an aro
does he steal .... aro?
does he steal .... aro?
hey guys
thanks for all the inputs, i am in the process of building a big tank and will be putting up some pictures should i start a new thread?