Setting up a new tank


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Going to set up a tank in my office lobby...only space available is 6' x 18" so not much options for monster fish. I think since it's our lobby I'll go with a cichlid set up....probably stay away from a sump and use my Eheim Pro 3 plus a few overhang filters since I have people in the office that will help maintain it...also with cichlids I can add in many fish and colourful ones so clients see's the colour vs. the size....

any thoughts? was also thinking about discus tank but not sure yet..
i set up a small tank in my office. my advice is to always go simple. i started out with some plecos and some tetras...but then when your away you got to ask people to feed it, and worry about changing water. So in the end, i got some nice goldfish. I wouldn't do discus man. unless there are allot of people willing to help
Yeh, I'm going for Africans. I do have 2 other guys in the office that would help and also have warehouse guys to clean. I have 60 staff in the office so no issues on feeding and or cleaning.
I used to have an African tank back in the day with similar dimensions. Africans are fun, entertaining and colorful. My only beef with them is that they breed so easily that eventually interbreeding happens, and you end up with not so attractive mutt fry. And trust me, it is not fun trying to fish them out of a 6 foot tank.

What about a planted comm tank? You could throw in some big rainbows, various tetras, etc. I've always admired nice planted tanks, probably because I can't keep aquatic plants to save my life!
go with some silver dollars, tinfoil barbs, an oscar etc. very easy to take care of. hardy and eats whatever you throw in there. lol
Earth eaters, clown loaches, and dollars. That means you have stuff to grow up and eventually move in with your rays and arowana.
yeah...hopefully pick up a used 200gal tank (6' x 1.5' deep x 2.5' high) with a sump this week so i can start building the stand and front to it shortly....
African Cichlids are indeed the most colourful fresh water fish. I used to have 100 African Cichlids in a 180G tank in my office (95 males + 5 females). They look wonderful!!!
yeah...thats the the used tank yesterday 200gal at 6ft x 3ft tall x 18" deep. will update with some pics later this week.
well....tank will be ready to be installed onto tank by mid next week...installed black vinyl on back and side panels, had my guys make up new wood trips to match my office lobby and will be building new panel doors to make all the wood, purchased lava rocks and will be cutting and breaking them up and then gluing them to the bottom and's some progress so far.




here's where it's going....stand is 36" high plus tank is 36" tall so it'll be at a great viewing angle.
Perfect place for it.............plumb it into toilets in washrooms.......get water change done with every flush!