Stocking community question.


New Member
Just wanted to see where to draw the line regarding overstocking.

Currently have a 260 gallon tank with the following:
20" xb aro
5 - 5"+ clown loaches
2 - tinfoil barbs 9" each
2 - motoro rays 15" and 12" diameter
1 - 5" bristlenose pleco

I'm looking at picking up Corvette's 11" indo dats. He has 2 available and if possible, I'd like to take both. Just wanted to see if I could afford both, or just take one or if even one is too many.


I'm running 2 FX5s for filtration.
Do it, buy his fish. I just bought an asian green and a wicked cat off of him. Be warned if you go, only bring enough cash for the dats or you'll end up leaving with one of his catfish too. Also I want to add all his fish are in perfect health and great quality, I haven't gone 8 hours without starring at my tank for an hour since I visted him down in Calgary.
Sounds okay to me. In my 320g I now have:

1 20" clown knife
4 12"+ pbass
1 14" black tiger catfish (not really a catfish)
2 motoro rays (14" and 11")

Post pics if you can, I'd love to see the collection.
Tank size is fine, filtration size is not... IMO, 12 litres of total media will not be enough... although with two FX5s, you'll have great mechanical media, just not great bio... id add a sump to the tank if possible.
Won't be able to add a sump to the tank based on the way the tank's configured. I'm pretty diligent with the water changes so hopefully that helps a bit.

Sounds like the general consensus thinks I"ll be able to pick up both. Will probably look into doing that as soon as I get rid of my motoro pups.

I'd have to agree with motoro on not enough bb in a short while with only the fx5s. Are you able to put an above tank wet/dry where you could put the return of one or both fx5s too.
I'd have to agree with motoro on not enough bb in a short while with only the fx5s. Are you able to put an above tank wet/dry where you could put the return of one or both fx5s too.

great idea, i like your thinking. eliminates the need for a pump in the tank as well.
Not able to use the FX5s really to run anything. I have a spare FX5 that I may setup should the water get really bad.

I had this idea of predrilling my tank with 4 holes in the beginning to directly run with my FX5s. In the beginning it seemed like a good idea. I had pieces of driftwood that I had picked out that when setup would hide each of the pipes perfectly.

This was done when I had a 10" aro, 5" rays, and 2" loaches. As everything got bigger, I suddenly realised that I could no longer keep as much driftwood in there as they took away tank space. (the rays were constantly moving the smaller pieces of driftwood when mating and the aro was scratching his sides on the driftwood, just took out my last piece yesterday) Unfortunately, the way I setup my tank didn't leave me with much options in terms of changing the filtration.

Thus I now have nothing but sand in my tank and 4 white PVC pipes that are really stupid to look at. Will post a pics when I get a chance.

Oh well, lesson learned, nothing I can do about it for another 5 years before I move into a house.

Thanks guys, I think i'll just grab one dat just to make sure I don't take any chances with the bioload.