The fish are coming!

FYI- I noticed the date on the BBXB certificate is May 25-2010, does this mean Maju printed out the certificate on the same date of the shipment landing in Canada? :)
Yes Aro-L, you have made your point; not much more I can add other than the fish that came were not the ones in the photos. I supose my apologies are small consolation for you, but you did tell me you were going to make a community tank with the fish, as opposed to resell them. Given that the photos in that old thread were taken 3 months ago they would have come in at 10+ inches had they arrived. Would have been a hell of a deal had it happened I guess, except for the forum member who would have had the other 6 inch SR/RTG etc to put in the com tank with them...? Oh well, I did my best.

I suggest you work with Henming Lee in Edmonton to get the exact fish you want from Maju? You have provided them a lot of business and so I am sure he will make sure you get the larger sized fish you need. As you know, I will work on your behalf with Maju to make sure you are satisfied. Meantime, how about pumping up those aros! They are the same brood stock as their older siblings in those photos. More work to raise them before reselling, but then we are primarily in this for the hobby I think.
FYI- I noticed the date on the BBXB certificate is May 25-2010, does this mean Maju printed out the certificate on the same date of the shipment landing in Canada? :)

I thought you knew that Maju was at INTERZOO for past number of weeks and that their whole "aro administration" in Indonesia shut down while he was out of town? My guess is he was - and is - scrambling like heck to get the operation running back to normal.

In some ways it would make sense for you and me to have this discussion via email, as I don't want it to become a cirucular loop if possible.
Hi Juice - I sent you an email last night. Another forum member has contacted me wanting to buy the whole group. Originally I was planning to sell two trios and then keep one. I might be able to sell you one, will know in the next few days I think.

As reference i just wanted to know what cv maju fed the aro's. One of my aros are eating pellets and krill, but the other one isnt really touching his food. What else should i try? Maybe he's still stressed from transportation.
Yes, those live foods will do, especially cricket. I have never known a young aro to refuse a cricket.

If it were me I would also try cutting up a few small bite size pieces of raw market prawn; target feed by tossing in the small piece just in front of the aro as it is swimming. Sometimes they eat it right away, other times they get attracted by its smell or movement in the water and swim down to eat it, or a bit later off the tank bottom. Remove any uneaten food from the tank after half an hour or so. Even if crickets are used at first, I recommend getting the fish onto market prawn next. Krill is good too, though I have heard some people say it can be rough on the stomach of a young aro (not sure, just what I have heard).
Hey Theo,

Took some pics of him but have a really crappy camera so kinda blurry . He's settled in nicely and starting eating crickets today but still unsure of the frogs surprisingly. I tried the video camera but was making him look all washed out(Camera and video illiterate lol). He has a nice classic look to him which is what I was wanting so thanks again and can't wait to see how he colors up as he gets bigger. Whoever ordered the show fish for the next order will be one lucky man but hey there's always next year lol


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The fish in the photos was purchased as a standard 25 CM super red. I agree it looks fantastic. The premium and the show fish are yet to come in the next order...due soon. :)