Tigrinus questions


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For those who have grown up small tigrinus (3-5"), what conditions did you keep them in (tank size, temp, food?).

I've finally thrown down for one but haven't taken it home yet. I have a 50 gallon which is fully cycled. Just waiting for the right time to bring in home.


Hi Tim,

I started mine at a very small 2.5 -3" in a 55 gallon by himself, and the smaller tank was a very good idea as feeding him was a little difficult at first. I would cut up small pieces of prawn and fish fillet and drop it in right front of him and he still wouldn't eat...almost like he couldn't find it. I had an idea to use a long plastic stick and gently tap the substrate where the food was, this worked very well snapping up the food immediately. It seemed the vibrations helped him find the food, so I keep doing this for a few weeks. I started introducing pellets 3mm NLS sinkers and NLS wafer broke into smaller pieces. With the tapping technique used he was pellet trained in 2 days. I keep using this technique until he was about 5 inches; at this size feeding was no longer an issue. At about 9-10 inches i put him in the 550 gal and has since grown to over 20 inches not including trailers. I still feed him NLS and anything else that gets past the aro's to him (fish fillets, prawns, etc) Water temp is 85 Best of luck...these guys are the coolest catfish.


Here's a crappy pic taken a couple months ago.
I used CBW and Neons ( a couple thousand of them) to get my tigs acclimated and started. Then shrimp pieces, I used to target feed each of them, using a plant clipper. I used to feed them every 2nd or 3rd day, as much as they would take. No leftover pieces in the tank.

Oh yes, they love NLS pellets too, they just go for them.
Nice tig!
What kind of filtration did you have with him?

Marius, these guys are already taking shrimp so I don't think I'll have to go the neon route :)
I'll definatly have to try the pellets. So far I've only tried krill, shrimp, bloodworms, feeders, mysis shrimp and so far they've taken to all of it
Nice tig!
What kind of filtration did you have with him?

Marius, these guys are already taking shrimp so I don't think I'll have to go the neon route :)
I'll definatly have to try the pellets. So far I've only tried krill, shrimp, bloodworms, feeders, mysis shrimp and so far they've taken to all of it

Watch the feeders though, you need to quarantine and treat them first.

The smaller ones pattern is really starting to come out
I'm hoping to pick him up for next weekend if I can get the RTG moved to the basement
Finally took him home :)

He's in my 50 with a XP4 and a 300gph powerhead. So far likes all the current.

Pics tomorrow :)