West Jet Pick-ups in GTA


I was picking up some indo dat's yesterday and found out the hard way that West Jet is no longer received through ACI Cargo (6500 Silver Dart Drive, off Airport Road). They have changed carriers and are now received through C.A.S. Cargo.

Here are the directions from Silver Dart Drive.

- Left onto Airport Road
- Left onto Derry Road
- Left onto Dixie Road
- Left onto Courtneypark
- Right onto Brittania Rd. East
- Follow Brittania Rd. East all the way down. You'll pass through a gate and under two bridges. Continue until you pass the Air Canada building. On the right hand side, you'll see C.A.S Cargo/Korean Airlines in big bright lettering. The C.A.S. entrance is #5, first floor.

Hope this helps!
Meanwhile, I was dropping off some fish yesterday ( :) ) and discovered that Westjet has changed the sub-contractors they use in the Vancouver area! Not something you want to find out at the 11th hour, but luckily there was some extra time. As I find out in more detail how Westjet has changed their shipping/handling procedures for cargo in Canada I will let everyon know.
Also found the Toronto west jet pickup spot the hard way last week. Its cool where you end up though, in the middle of the airport!
Just want to add that you need to drive pass the custom building (a low building with green glass), the first entrance on the right hand side. If you see American Airline (AA), you are on the right track.

Keep driving and you should be able to see the building "Cargo 5".
Do you guys have heated cargo with westjet out there?
I know in edmonton even last year they had a ban on pets on cargo in the winter. Had to pay double and go with air canada
Was it Westjet or Air Transit? I'm getting fish sent to me via westjet for this weekend

It was actually Swissport, and West Jet is one of their accounts. But according to Rich, all is good now. I will also be there on Saturday afternoon dropping off fish.