What would everyone like to see for the stingray stickies?


I was hoping by now to write up a few stickies with the help of the community here but work and family have kept me on my toes and with no time, but as the holidays roll in and the new year starting work slows down for us and I will have some extra time again so I made list of some stickies with potential and would like your input on what you would like to see or any other sticky suggestions would be great.
Here is what I had so far.
- Ray feeding and how to break onto new foods.
- Stingray profiles
- What to do when you've been stung.
- Common mistakes made by most ray keepers.
- What to know before buying a stingray
- What meds are safe for rays and when to use
- What information to include when asking for help with a ray
- Caring for stingray pups and the mother from the pregnancy on
Often asked:

Tank size

Required filtration

Tank mates

Acclimating new rays/freshly landed rays
I'd like to see something on inducing spawning behaviour (water params, food and lighting schedule details, etc).
Srry this is off topic but what happens if u get stung by a ray thought they cut it off before sale?
Srry this is off topic but what happens if u get stung by a ray thought they cut it off before sale?

I think I've heard of them clipping them but the barb will be regrown and you'll see multiple barbs before the older one is shed.
I would like to see something that explains from easiest to hardest rays to keep and a max size/minimum tank. Also best bang for buck bio media/ bio filters that are needed for rays. That will cut down on alot of my questions :)
Srry this is off topic but what happens if u get stung by a ray thought they cut it off before sale?

The barb is usually covered in some airline tubing for shipping when they are bigger. I've never been stung so I have no first hand experience you just need to exercise caution when dealing with rays. I actually climb in my tank to clean it and often have rays come swim up to me to be scratched or climb all over me out of curiousity. I find as long as I don't move fast and approach them from where they can see me there is never an issue.
The quick and short of it for now is if you get stung remove as much of the stinger as you can and soak the area in as hot of water as you can stand and make your way to the hospital to see if there is any remains of the stinger still in you and get the area cleaned out. The best descrition I heard of what it feels like was " take a syringe of gasoline, inject it into yourself and light it on fire. I'll see if I can get this sticky up sooner than the others. ;)

I'm liking the other ideas keep them coming. :)