wide bar silver dollar

i couldnt find any of wide bar silver dollar (blue fin) at Toronto, not even small size. I wonder is it also rare at other provinces, or is it just not in the season yet?
heard that they are becoming very very rare....but also heard BA in Toronto off Yonge St. had some smaller ones a few weeks back
I cannot remember when their season is, but they are not imported very often at all.

You want to see a really hard to find SD checkout these, Metynnis fasciatus. Took me 4 years to find a group!


Anyway, with regards to BB Silver dollars, they were not too hard to get from a few suppliers last year, so hopefully they will be around again. I know Oliver had some small ones a while back. Maybe try contacting Snookn21 in the states he brings in oddball stuff and has been getting different SD's and what not lately http://www.aquabid.com/cgi-bin/auction/auction.cgi?disp&viewseller&Snookn21
yeah...only seen thin bars...not much more....hard to say what wide bars for go since non are around...
The wide bars are no more rare then before, more people want them now then before, people are paying higher prices and people in other parts of the world pay much more then we do here. That's why the price has shot up and you don't see them as much anymore.

More than likely the ones from xingu with the deep red and super wide bars will continue to get rarer and rarer. The Belle Monte dam that was recently built will be drastically detrimental to the river and the animals living in it.
are these the black barred silver dollars ??

if so i have been looking for a good lead for a while ..


if not sorry to hijack thread !@!