i guess i already have many collections, now this is what i am looking for.
pls suggestio me with any sources.
pls suggestio me with any sources.
I can get you one of these Howard, no problem. CV Maju is well known for their plat alligator gars. they are literally one in a million, and are not always available. Here is one that was available about a year ago:
I will see what I can do.
what do these fish usually go for?
Around the same as a pair of P14's.
The picture you posted above for one is almost record size. They don't even get that big in the wild usually. And have you ever seen a gar over 3 feet in the home aquarium? I bet not. Due to most people buying their gars from farms the gars will be smaller b/c they were raised in captivity and do not carry that wild gene. Especially the plat gar, you will not find those in the wild, lol I would think that a plat gar would not get bigger than 33" in a home aquarium. Also due to keeping in a tank it will naturally be stunted. So no need to panic. There are a lot of people who can house them.
Please tell me your joking and don't actually believe what you said? To have a true alligator gar never reach 3 feet in captivity would from gross stunting and horrible care. Yes fish don't grow as big in captivity we all know this but to say an animal that is one of the largest freshwater fish in the entire world and regularly attains 200 pounds ( they can be over 400 pounds) and 6 to 7 feet (upto a maximum 10 feet ) will only be 33 inches and what 10 to 15 pounds? You don't see them over 3 feet in peoples tanks cause most if all are spotted or Florida gars which are French fries next to an alligator gar. Even if it only grew 25% of an average adult that would still be a 50 pound fish and they do rival arapaima for size so will need a multiple thousand gallon tank to hope to give it any type of life( we say minimum 180 gal for an aro and there maybe 10% of the size ). I love big fish as much as everyone else ( arapaima is my favorite fish ) but if you can't house them properly people shouldn't even consider buying them ( not to say that Howard isn't capable of it). As Matt said when it grows big you won't be able to keep any aro or much else with it
I am new to gar fish, so the platinum gar is the type that has the potential to grow over 4'? my platinum redtail catfish is reaching 24" i dont know how long i can keep it in my 220gallon. platinum gar will be a better fit for my 900 gallon since it often swimming on the top, and my rays would be less bothering.
Would there be any concerns when the gars get bigger and takes a chomp out of your aros and rays?