x-backs vs chilis


New Member
sorry for my ignorance but how come x-backs are more expensive than chili reds(asuming chilis are the 2nd most expensive aros)?
I am no expert. But I think there's more Reds (or Super Reds) "producers" nowadays, hence why their price dropped a lot.

Welcome by the way.
I am no expert. But I think there's more Reds (or Super Reds) "producers" nowadays, hence why their price dropped a lot.

Welcome by the way.

how much does a good quality reds go for now?
how do they rate the quality anyways?
Depends on various things, mostly people judge by looking if there are redness on the cheeks or some indication. After that its body shape such as how broad the tail is, how spoony the head is, how big the pectoral fins are. So far in T.O. a shop by Golden Ocean is selling VIP reds and VIP have a good rep for high quality. But they want $2700+ on a decent one that is about 8-10" by conservative measurements. Though for that price IMHO is WAY too much.
Depends on various things, mostly people judge by looking if there are redness on the cheeks or some indication. After that its body shape such as how broad the tail is, how spoony the head is, how big the pectoral fins are. So far in T.O. a shop by Golden Ocean is selling VIP reds and VIP have a good rep for high quality. But they want $2700+ on a decent one that is about 8-10" by conservative measurements. Though for that price IMHO is WAY too much.

does panda sells VIP reds?
so what exactly is the difference between a VIP and a normal high grade chili?
again sorry for the ignorance
thats what VIP is. its a higher grade super red..
its like a toyota and lexus........
honda and acura
nissan and infinity
Imperial Palace Website

Reds are definitely the hardest arowana to raise... Their potential as adults range so much... VIP red is a brand name for a Super red.. they do have good stock and good reputation, but just like every farms stock there are good quality VIP reds and poor quality VIP reds...

We often don't have the luxury to do this, but judge the fish not the farm
Imperial Palace Website

Reds are definitely the hardest arowana to raise... Their potential as adults range so much... VIP red is a brand name for a Super red.. they do have good stock and good reputation, but just like every farms stock there are good quality VIP reds and poor quality VIP reds...

We often don't have the luxury to do this, but judge the fish not the farm

oh so panda would have VIP reds then? or some quality as VIP reds?
Panda top quality reds are called Panda "Super reds"... their brooding stock is 100% Super red and guaranteed to be bred at the Panda farm, not from other farms...

To clear it up, we can compare trucks.... Toyota makes the Tacoma, Ford makes the F-150 and Nissan makes the Frontier... You can't get a Tacoma from a Ford or a Nissan dealership just like you can't get a VIP red from Panda or a VFSR from Imperial, but at the same time they are still Super reds just like Tacomas and F-150s are trucks..
Panda top quality reds are called Panda "Super reds"... their brooding stock is 100% Super red and guaranteed to be bred at the Panda farm, not from other farms...

To clear it up, we can compare trucks.... Toyota makes the Tacoma, Ford makes the F-150 and Nissan makes the Frontier... You can't get a Tacoma from a Ford or a Nissan dealership just like you can't get a VIP red from Panda or a VFSR from Imperial, but at the same time they are still Super reds just like Tacomas and F-150s are trucks..

ok i get it now... stupid me...
so why does the VIP of imperial cost more than the super red of Panda(atleast thats what i get an impression of)?
how much does a good quality super red from Panda normally go for?
and how much does VIP normally go for?
Cyrus, VIP reds are selling at LFS in GTA for $2700 at Gold Ocean, Panda Reds are going for $1375 includes shipping and taxes. Why VIP cost more? Ask LFS owner why charge that much.
the vip, shelook and lucky reds are all sr, but they are picked out by some ditibuter when young and just rename them. Its just that's the ones where they think has potential for great colors. But its all the same. and the chilli reds are low quality aros. When young they are sometime nicer to look at but after a few years there color dont seem to improve, well to me anyways i think its not a good idea to buy a chilli red.
Cyrus, VIP reds are selling at LFS in GTA for $2700 at Gold Ocean, Panda Reds are going for $1375 includes shipping and taxes. Why VIP cost more? Ask LFS owner why charge that much.

wow thats almost twice the price of the Panda Reds.
what so different about the VIPs and the Panada Reds besides one being a Ford and the other one being Toyota(well atleast according to Kenta:D)?

the vip, shelook and lucky reds are all sr, but they are picked out by some ditibuter when young and just rename them. Its just that's the ones where they think has potential for great colors. But its all the same. and the chilli reds are low quality aros. When young they are sometime nicer to look at but after a few years there color dont seem to improve, well to me anyways i think its not a good idea to buy a chilli red.

so if chilli is a low quality, whats is the better quality?
i had the impression that chilli reds were better than blood reds which are all under the super red lines. so if chilli reds are low quality, what else kind of reds are there besides the VIPs which i dont even know what class that one goes under?:confused:
Each farm gives their Super reds a cool sounding brand name... just like kokanee, MGD and canadian are all beers... they do differ a little, but ultimately they are all beers.

Don't let a brand name sway you into thinking the fish will automatically be better...

As for Panda's having lower prices... well... DragonfishCanada doesn't have a lot of the costs an LFS has, plus we are not out to make a huge profit, we import to offer affordable prices to people who want quality fish.
Each farm gives their Super reds a cool sounding brand name... just like kokanee, MGD and canadian are all beers... they do differ a little, but ultimately they are all beers.

Don't let a brand name sway you into thinking the fish will automatically be better...

As for Panda's having lower prices... well... DragonfishCanada doesn't have a lot of the costs an LFS has, plus we are not out to make a huge profit, we import to offer affordable prices to people who want quality fish.

hey Kenta, is there a difference in price with the blood and chillis in the Panda farm?
BTW, how does Panda farm differentiate the bloods from the chillis?
if i do ever make an order, would they some what be able to tell if the one im ordering is a male or a female? or atleast a good experienced guess?

I find that one huge misconception people have when buying Super reds are that they can be differentiated into "blood red", "chilli red" or whatever red as young fish. All those books and pics on the net you see of blood and chilli reds all would be impossible to tell that outcome when young. The label of blood of chilli red is slapped on once the fish is mature... I would be highly skeptical of someone selling a small Super red as "blood red" because there is no way of telling the path the fish will take towards maturity, plus there are a lot of variables other than genetics involved.

Panda sells all their Super reds at the standard ~6" size and on all their certs is "Super red"... i can't guarantee its chilli or blood... but I can guarantee their parents are both Super reds and from Panda breeding pond.

As for male/female, its hard enough to guess an adult, impossible to differentiate a juvenile unless DNA is take, which is so costly even the farms don't do it.