Search results

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    l25,l24,l27 and clown loaches

    Hi, selling the following: Please email me at [email protected] if interested. Thanks, Brian
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    L27 royals and hagen tanks

    Hi, Selling 5 L27 royals plecos. 3 are thunders, 2 are xingus. About 3-4". Taken them all for $450. Also, have two 29G hagen tanks. One is a bowfront with a hagen stand. Excellent condition. $100. The other is a regular rectangular tank. Excellent condition. $100. Please email me at...
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    3 Wild Discus. Alenquer

    Hi, I have three wild discus, one is "red" and large. The other two, one is more yellow and the last one is still getting red. I got these at Gold Ocean Aquarium. The big red alone I paid $300 for. All three for $400. My email is [email protected] Thanks, Brian
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    200G bowfront setup for sale

    Hi, Selling an approx 200G bowfront tank (glass) set up. it is 6x about 2 by about 2 feet. It comes with glass tops, lights and stand. The stand on the right hand door needs some paint, but no problems. I would rate the set up as fish room condition. Very heavy. You will need a few guys to...
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    Looking for Black arowana

    cool thx
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    Looking for Black arowana

    Hi, Anyone know of or selling black arowana? Smaller the better. Thanks, Brian
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    l27 Thunder and L25

    Hi, I am selling a 4-5" l25 7 Pointer for $200 I have 4x L27 Thunder for $120. Buy all four for $375. Thats a good deal. These are real "thunder". Thanks, Brian
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    22" RTG Needs a bigger home.

    Sorry to hear that man.
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    lapradei bichir

    I have been there, I once bought a L27 goldline for around $500 and it turned out to be a L190. I got it ID and everything on planet catfish and the seller still wouldn't do anything. Even though I probably spent thousands before on this seller. My fault for trusting and not doing more homework...
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    Setting up a new tank

    i set up a small tank in my office. my advice is to always go simple. i started out with some plecos and some tetras...but then when your away you got to ask people to feed it, and worry about changing water. So in the end, i got some nice goldfish. I wouldn't do discus man. unless there are...
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    Arowana has ICH, Help please...

    Never seen ick on aro before, they are tough fish. I usually increase heat to at least 85, not past 90. Put 1 tsp salt up to 5g. However, if the aro is by itself you could increase that to 1-2 tsp per 5g. Aro are tough. I usually also use Kordon ick meds, that have malachite green salt (less...
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    Beware Hurricane Sandy?

    It is the thing u hope you never need to use, but if you need it, you better have it. Besides, it is good for other stuff too. Like camping or if you need it for an emergency. I would have one even if I didn't have tanks...
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    NEW build 540 gallon

    Wow. Nice. I like the Japanese set look.
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    Beware Hurricane Sandy?

    I 100% recommend getting a power generator. I bought two, one small used one and one strong ass one if in case things get really bad. Best $200-$300 spent. Peace of mind. I remember a power outage in Toronto in the summer of 2003 or something...people lost allot of fish. If you ever go fishing...
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    13" L160 Pleco: trade

    Thanks dude. Yah, he is a cool fish. Almost like a small dog.
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    13" L160 Pleco: trade

    Hi, I wish to trade this big nice L160 Pleco. He is about 13". Very rare at this size. Very nice pleco for an aro tank. Interested to trade him for: - Wild Discus ( Especially Red Spotted Green) - Altum Angels - L46 Plecos I have also a 7-8" Albino Adonis, 5-6" L24 and a 7-8" L273...
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    1200 Gallon from BC :)

    very cool. Can I ask you something, is your wife Japanese? I have no idea why, but every japanese wife has to go back to japan (with the kids) every year for months. Nice build man.
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    Canadian Aqua Farm - About Us - Contact - Social Media

    Can u get wild discus? like the green red spotted? thanks
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    Discus and Aro?

    yeah, I have to agree. Some people have told me wild one's might work, but when you think about it a discus in the wild would never be that close to a fish like an aro
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    Discus and Aro?

    What is the view on putting discus and arowana together? I have seen people do it and have heard different views. Discus are a pretty sensitive fish and I am not sure if it is great to put them with an aro. I am thinking of trying to do it, maybe with some wild discus.