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  1. P

    my aro bit me! happens when you feed them and they get too eager......mine bit me a few times..only the first time it surprises ya....
  2. P

    superworms smell like shi*

    i used to freeze my SW and crickets right away....never feed the aro or tigers live them used to eating them dead ones so never had to worry about trying to keep them alive.....
  3. P

    Gill Curl Surgery (Massage method)

    interesting surgery...did u sedate the fish??...
  4. P

    Update on my Community

    wow great shot....full tank one with all four aros.....looks like you have a peaceful community.....min ripped/torn tails n fins.....
  5. P

    My super reds development in 6 months. please comment ! good or not ?

    agreed.....i'd rather see them under natural lighting.....not NAN lights....but beautiful pcs...nice spoon heads....
  6. P

    Love Dance between two Dragons

    nice pbass you got there.....
  7. P

    which Dimension/Tank size?!

    180g is is all you'll need....standard 6'x2'x2'....
  8. P

    just saying hello....

    heres an old pic of my basement.... the 180 had my PG, 4 STs and 2 ITs and 7 geos....65g in the corner had my FH....90g had my peacock bass....55g was a growout tank for the geos and dats and FF....10gs had bettas and feeders.....
  9. P

    just saying hello....

    recently found this forum and thought i'd drop in.....former Aro owner....had a PG RTG that i had to sell off a few years ago....sold off all my big tanks and only kept my 90 and now i'm down to just 2 STs...and 1 IT....the STs are around 12-14'' and my IT is 10" (give or take..thats my best...
  10. P

    Monster Bichir Collection : Location #1

    great pics.....they looks so prehistoric....
  11. P

    Where to buy....

    kennedy and steeles have 3-4 LFS that usually stock aros....Lucky`s inside Market Village.....across the street is AcquaPets.....and next plaza over you have two other stores that will have aros too....Gold Garden and i forget the name of the place just a few stores down.....both...
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    FH are too agressive and are best kept by themselves.....if you are going to pay hundreds for a top quality FH and even more for an aro....i wouldn`t put the two is bound to kill the other.....
  13. P

    any experience with african aros?

    how big is your tank.....looks like you have a crazy bio-load going.....
  14. P

    Essentials to keeping Asian arowana

    the most important thing to remember when keeping aros is KEEP THE TANK SECURED....number one killer of aros..are themselves when they jump out of the tank....keep lids secured and leave zero openings....
  15. P

    Got a job offer in Vancouver... should I take it?

    rain is just simply least out east..we'll have nice sunny days still....its just the damn cold i can't stand....snow i can live is coming to all
  16. P

    Article on Arowana Conservation

    with all these big farms and their captive breeding projects all going towards making a profit....there is little to ZERO conservation effort IMO....seems like their governments dont really care all so much about replenishing aros back in their natural enviroment....the "pet" sector is too much...
  17. P


    save up for an RTG to go in that tank.....
  18. P

    my little RTG

    too hard to is too small...once they get around 12''..then they really start to show their full potential....hard to tell from just the two pics...but eyes look good...its gonna have a nice spoon head.....
  19. P

    Got a job offer in Vancouver... should I take it?

    vancouver...scenery is beautiful...ocean..mountains galore.....cost of living is much higher so also factor that into the equation.....and if you can stand the rain that they get....go for it....good luck...
  20. P

    mini indo dats

    geophagus are nice bottom feeders...they made great tank mates for my tigers and PG when i had them all together....they even ate SW and crix once they saw everyone else eating them....