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  1. tomuhs

    CV Maju BBXB 1 mth update

    So it's been a while since i've last done an update. Almost coming up on a year now; wow the Aro sure has grown. Been feeding him a varied diet over the years and he goes through his fits and is pretty picky. Also, my friend and I both agree that he sure is one aggressive fellow; maybe a...
  2. tomuhs

    CT, ST, L25

    Wow! Very nice fish. Would you be willing to ship lol?
  3. tomuhs

    FS : L shape tank

    Lowered to 2100.
  4. tomuhs

    AMAZING Community

    Thanks for sharing Mike...such a sick tank! Care to guess how much a tank like this would cost? What about filtration and feeding regiment haha
  5. tomuhs

    FS : L shape tank

    Bump - lowered to 2400
  6. tomuhs

    FS : L shape tank

    I've recently acquired the U tank shape from Glamit and I'd like to keep one section and sell the other. The dimensions are : Front view 6 ft by 4 ft, while the back panels are 9ft by 7ft. It is 30"" wide so good enough for rays. It comes with metal stand, foam insulation and has an...
  7. tomuhs

    Sump question

    Have you considered buying a used tank and drilling it then plumbing it? It will be more cost effective and with the money you save, you can go out and get some media. That's what I did for my 180; ended up using a 75 gal sump and like Theo mentioned, it is super low maintenance. You can...
  8. tomuhs

    Aros comm - advice needed

    I also like the dither advice from Mike. Have you tried putting up partition/egg crate so they can get accustomed then slowly removing? Sometimes you just need more aros too!
  9. tomuhs

    400gal stingray tank

    Nice setup! Black tank looks nice on ur rays. Would you recommend black always for Leos?? Wow they are big too...fills up the tank nicely.
  10. tomuhs

    22" RTG Needs a bigger home.

    That sux! sorry for your loss
  11. tomuhs

    End of summer sale

    Nice fish! Unfortunately i'm in the same boat lol. How old is yours??? Atleast he has nice body shape and good swimming posture with no defects.
  12. tomuhs

    NEW build 540 gallon

    Wow so much work and dedication put into these videos. I'm going to need to watch all these in detail once I move. What motivated you to put up these videos? Keep up the good work!
  13. tomuhs

    lapradei bichir

    I can totally understand how you must feel seeing as I was sold a fish recently that turned out to be something else. If the seller admits that he gave you the wrong one then I think the onus is on the seller to rectify things. I also understand from the seller perspective that there should be...
  14. tomuhs

    new guy here

    Nice stock list. Very cool setting Can't wait to see how your 450 gal turns out Oh and welcome!
  15. tomuhs

    Any tips for disassembling a tank

    Wow thanks for the great tips! I'm going to go try out the guitar string (i have some extra violin strings i can use) and I'll be sure to stock up on razor blades. Appreciate the feedback!
  16. tomuhs

    Newborn Leopoldi Pups Nov 21 2012

    Congrats! Look to be really nice potential. I like the third on the right. The little ones eating yet? Pump em up nice and fat!
  17. tomuhs

    Setting up a new tank

    How about some cold water fishies such as koi or ranchus??
  18. tomuhs


    Update Just wanted to post a quick update of the leo...or perhaps budding bd. Beautiful quality and the little fella is really aggressive and eating like a champ. Thanks again Darren, definitely would buy some rays from you in the near future! Sorry about the crappy iphone pic
  19. tomuhs

    Any tips for disassembling a tank

    Hi guys, Looking to start disassembling a large tank for a move and was wondering if anyone had any good tips for remove silicone and transporting glass. I managed to pick up some silicone be-gone and i'm not too sure if it is aquarium safe. I'm hoping to do most of my work with an exacto...