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    F2BD I received F2 BD pair yesterday, male started eating last night and female ate this morning. After 2 years I finally have BD. I guess this will be it for now. 8 rays already. Not unless I sell one of male henlei.
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    4" widebar silver dollar

    I am selling $35 dollar each, PM if any interest. I can meet you at markham or Richmondhill, Ontario. Thanks
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    RTC and stingray

    I would sell one pair of henlei. RTC should look good in my 900 gallon, aslone it stays away from my future stingray pup.
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    Game 1 NHL Playoffs, at Vancouver ......

    They want their tickets to worth something? It could happen in any city of the world, especially with soccer. Would the riot happen if it is $50 ticket?
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    RTC and stingray

    It have gill cover curl, so it may stay with me. 3.5' is good but I can't imagin 4' it be width of my tank. And there won't be much room for it to move. And it will get so much food at 900 gallons. Well we will see what happen in next year or two
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    Just contemplating

    maybe he can mate it with my female leo
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    newly acquired P14 6.5"

    i will try to do it with my iphone, then upload to youtube. it is around 7-8", he is in 100 gallon by himself, but he does swimming around much. i feed him 3 mp and one earworm daily.
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    RTC and stingray

    okay, finally it reach the point i have to consider move my RTC to 900 gal with my rays. RTC is still in my standard 220gallon, its 22". it might be okay to be in there for another 6 months, i had feed it with limit food with sinking pellets. can anyone had experience with RTC, tell me...
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    newly acquired P14 6.5"

    i still think it is big spot p14, but could it be male BD with female p14? any more comment
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    newly acquired P14 6.5"

    my gf asked me, what am i getting BD if this p14 has big dots and more dots than BD? and i dont know how to answer her.
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    Tigrinus Catfish 3.75-4 inch - SOLD!!!

    What do u feed them with? I be interest if they take sinking pellets.
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    Gulper Catfish - RARE!

    Ya, in Chinese we called it ' big mouth whale '
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    Gulper Catfish - RARE!

    ya, they are very cute, and very popular at taiwan, said they are liked mini whale.
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    Storing Tap water for water change

    depend on the bio load, most time i would do 30-40% water change from store aged water. From other forum, many member convince me to do 75% or even 85% water change, under the condition that water had been treated; because bacteria doesn live in the water column, so more % of water change...
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    MBU puffer need second opinions

    i will have him to bigger tank once he get bigger, but kinda worry about my rays' eye, even with bare tank.
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    MBU puffer need second opinions

    i have no doubt that MBU will need a bigger tank, is it fine for 6" puffer in a 65gallon tank? i just find it bothering that whenever i ask about mbu puffer, ppl always ask about the tank size, its like i should prepare 1000gal tank in advance for a 6" puffer.
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    MBU puffer need second opinions

    1. MBU was at the 100gal tank, then i transfer about 35-40gallon water from 100gal tank into another 65gallons tank and filled both tank with aged tap water. in the mean time i place one of aquaclear 500 from 100gal to 65 gal, and install new fx5 into 65gal tank. 2. after 24 hrs, i do...
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    MBU puffer need second opinions

    i told them the water of my 65 gallon tank is from my 100 gallon tank and i moved one filter from 100 gallon to 65 gallon just to keep the bacteria, and 100 gallon tank have being running for over one years. and this is one of the response; "Using water from another tank is like filling up...
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    MBU puffer need second opinions

    he is the only fish there. can anyone explain to me how is bio-load to be high for puffer, what factors bio-load? the amount of food they eat and how active they are?? i know he will need a bigger tank, but why is 48"x18"x18" not good enough for 6" puffer??
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    MBU puffer need second opinions

    well, i have own this mbu puffer for about 5 weeks, it eats and it grow from 5" to 6". i placed him in 65gallon 48"x18"x18" with largest aquaclear hangover filter also one FX5. I also do water change every 4-5days with overnight water same temp and with airstone running. However the problem...