Search results

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    Need a monster fix!!!!

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    Need a monster fix!!!!

    I am here in Toronto from Vancouver and need a monster tank fix. I can not look at my own mini monster tank and am wondering if some of the many Aro/monster keepers in the area would consider letting me come and view their tanks.... Or at least point me in the direction of a store in the...
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    Coming Soon!!!

    as in sterling silver or just silver colour?
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    Angelfish and peacock bass?

    I agree with Mike... in the long run bass eat anything that will fit its mouth.
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    Arowana LED submersible light

    has anyone heard from the seller yet?
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    Arowana LED submersible light

    Also interested in 4 foot shipped to BC.
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    22" RTG Needs a bigger home.

    Do you know what he was sick with? Sorry for your loss.
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    new guy here

    Welcome Tony.
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    Rtg & Friends

    They are a sight to behold Mike.
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    I will be going on vacation for 7 days. wondering if it would be ok to leave my young aro (6"-7") in the dark with out feeding for this long. or should i try to get some one to feed? this is really hard as my fishy neighbor has since moved away to maple ridge.
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    Hello from USA

    welcome Vincent....
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    New Aquariums

    some very nice work....
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    FS-Stock from my 250g.

    all sold.......please close.
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    FS. Indo Tigers

    If only i lived in calgary,:(
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    FS-Stock from my 250g.

    Taking offers on silver dollars......
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    FS-Stock from my 250g.

    pacus gone........
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    FS-Stock from my 250g.

    price drop on the pacus $20 each they need to go.....
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    Aro not eating

    so he is eating again still seems a little skittish though. almost like he is scared of his own shadow...
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    howdy fellow fish friends

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    arowana feeder

    Wow that is a monster.....