Search results

  1. DragonfishExotics

    gravel verse no gravel on bottom of tank

    I have 3 300 gallon tanks stacked in a rack one on top of each other. The aro on top tank got drop eye, I had to shuffle the fish every couple months. They do tend to look down at you when ever your in the room.
  2. DragonfishExotics

    Selling 16" Chili Red Aro and tankmates

    Hey all, I am leaving for Calgary soon, not sure when I will be back, I am keeping my Koi but selling my aro and tankmates, I'll let my 3 5" indo dats, a 3" indo dat, 6" flag fish, big clown loach, sengal bichir and my chili go for $1,800. The 15" chili is doing well, eats pellets, prawns...
  3. DragonfishExotics

    Selling 16" Chili Red Aro and tankmates

    Here is a video of my tank! the white spot on aros head was a scrape he did on the lid a day before I shot the video. It has healed now.
  4. DragonfishExotics

    How big a sump needed for a 525 gallon and how much media?

    I think a 150 gallon sump would be great. 4x4x36. I have a trick with the mat that helps circulate water better, you cut 2" wide strips of mat and silicone them to the bottom of another mat using 2" spacing. To give a ribbed effect. It helps with more of a unified flow. Thats what we used on...
  5. DragonfishExotics

    Super Red not Eating

    I know most people will think this is a big no no. But I would try live food, such as some smaller danios, or even if you have to some small feeders. It is breaking the rules. But your aro needs something to get his digestion going and build up his strength! Kenta what do you think of this?
  6. DragonfishExotics

    WTB Dats and Rays

    I got 5 dats! 3 are 5" and 2 are 3 inch.
  7. DragonfishExotics

    Selling 16" Chili Red Aro and tankmates

    I hate to do this, but something big in my familly has come up and I have to be in Calgary for ahile. That is why I havent been around lately. So unfortunately I am selling my 16" Chili red and tankmates. I have a 16" Panda chili red who is delevoping a very nice deep red color, full red cheeks...
  8. DragonfishExotics

    Huge bump on Datnoid's head!

    Think its crossed with a Flowerhorn>?;)
  9. DragonfishExotics

    Chili Red, breathing heavy!

    I just turned on his lights today. Breathing is good and he ate!
  10. DragonfishExotics

    Chili Red, breathing heavy!

    I just moved into my place this weekend. It was a big job moving my tanks. I have moved many aros, but this move went badly. I was very careful and prepared. I took 80% of my water with me. I was placing the air stone in his container when he saw light and jumped light, it was that quick...
  11. DragonfishExotics

    water storage container must = Food Grade?

    I know alot of reef guys who use garbage containers to age water with no problem. Reefs are very sensitive to chemicals so I am sure its fine.
  12. DragonfishExotics

    7 or 8 feet tank???

    We build custom Sea star tanks, we are located in Victoria.
  13. DragonfishExotics

    Where's the shop vac!

    Sumps are great, but you have to make sure its a good quality tank and on a completely flat surface. I just built a wet dry sump for a customer who had a 150 gallon tank, I built a 50 gallon sump but because of its height I made the sump with 3/8 thick glass. If you over build a bit it gives...
  14. DragonfishExotics

    Some photos from Jakarta

    Great pics. I'll be in Jakarta in the middle of april. We had a few farms invite us over. Cant wait.
  15. DragonfishExotics

    id on this pleco

    It looks like a Leopard Pleco / Yellow L-231. Hard to tell with that view.
  16. DragonfishExotics


    how long is your fish?
  17. DragonfishExotics


    What price does Fossil fish put on this particular aro? And does Fossil fish have any grown reds of his own?