2nd annual NTT and weird fish import from Thailand

Looks like I'll be in the UK/Europe shortly, so I might just be able to bring you a couple... :D;):)
The NTT's are here and looking great! :)

They came in excellent health and very frisky.

I am still going to do a full week quarantine with anti-gill fluke medication.

Phew! Having to untie 160 mini bags was a lot of work!

Photos to come soon. :)
The NTT's are here and looking great! :)

They came in excellent health and very frisky.

I am still going to do a full week quarantine with anti-gill fluke medication.

Phew! Having to untie 160 mini bags was a lot of work!

Photos to come soon. :)

Saw the pics, they look great.
Wow, sales were super brisk, many people going to try NTT com tanks.

Good luck to all.

Those of you outside BC, I have set asside your fish and will ship along with the aros.

This order is way over subscribed; I am getting a lot of requests, so I might be cooperating with some of the other dragonfish guys in Vncouver to get another shipment in.

How many would you want Justin?
How many would anyone else want?
To offset the shipping cost it really makes sense to ship in volume. One box is 80 fish. While that may seem like a lot, if you get them for a low unit cost you can then sell them to fellow hobbyists to recoup your investment and get your fish for "free". These NTT's are rarely available and could easily go the way of the wide bar ST (i.e. be banned for export).

Any interest? :)
Haha unfortunately, I only wanted a few for my personal collection. The market on big fish is not strong enough right now to support selling 80 of them. It seems planted tanks are all the craze atm. Anyways, I will be in Montreal next week, so if any are going to be out that way by the time I’m there I would be more than happy to take a few off someone’s hands.

I was also considering doing an order through Charles to get a few Bichirs, so if none are in Montreal, maybe it could be possible to arrange shipping all the fish together.

Regardless, we’ll figure something out.

Justin Morash
There are some aros headed to Montreal next week; it would make sense to lump some birchirs in with them if you can get Kole (I think he does the Africans) to provide them in time. Just set it up and let me know by early next week if you can.
I have a bunch of people in Vancouver wanting NTT's. I can get them at 3 inch size now.

I am thinking of offering a special package deal for buyers outside the lower mainland - 6 NTT and 100 feeder guppies for $150. The NTT would be quarantined and treated with an anti-parasite prior to shipping.

There are CV Maju aros soon to be shipped to multiple sites across Canada. It would not be hard to throw in a few NTT's I think without costing much extra.

For those not wanting NTT's, there will likely be some IT's coming up shortly too, though probably not in time to be shipped along with the Asian arowana.

Pm or email [email protected] if interested.
is there anyone getting aros from Cirrus in toronto? Can i piggy back some NTTs off somebody? i'll pitch in for shipping.