Guess the fish


Super Moderator
I've been waiting to get my hands on this fish for sometime now and almost got my hands on it a couple of times...once it died to shipper and the other time the box did not make it into the country.'s finally here in the country and now just waiting for me to find time to get it! I figure it will be mid next week as i'm fairly busy this week....

can you guess what it is? I'm going to give a couple clues (For those who already knows!...shhh. :cool:)

Clue 1: It's Silver
Clue 2: It's not a Ray
Clue 3: It's not an Aro.

ok...that's all the clues for now! ;-)
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LOL! I thought you were pulling a fast one as you aren't waiting at the airport to pick it up. Must have arrived and is in a lfs or vendor tank. Orthosternarchus tamandua or Compsaraia samueli ?
lol chen you wanted one for so already. im sure the regulars on here knew that already hehe.

LOL...I should have asked that all regulars stayed it's on it's way...just waiting for me to pick up...hopefully on my way back from ottawa I can head over to a certain vendor's place to pick'll be a long drive home afterwards but will be worth it....

here they are, not yet in my tank but in a tank


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looks nice. how big? what are they like besides constantly swimming? are they pretty passive to fish they cant fit inside their mouth? looks cool!
theres two of them, one in a tank with some rays and peacock bass and the other in with some SD's as you can see. They are pretty active fish and does not stop swimming at all...they apparently came in a 50ltre box in order for them to arrive alive!..that's like 400+ pounds of water for a 15" fish....probably a box that I can sleep comfortably in! Lol
T1karmann is the only guy I have ever heard of to have one. Pretty cool looking fish. Be careful or you will end up dumping your freshwater fish and getting some black tip reef sharks... :)
yeah..if it wasn't going to rain all week I might have taken a day off and make the drive to Montreal..but I'll wait until next week.