

I sent off my aro and rays to another member of the forum in Regina. The shipment has now been sent to Calgary and the reports are that the rays have no water and the shipment cannot be shipped to Regina until 4:00. Just wondering if anyone is able to get to the Calgary airport and temporarily house the rays and aro until the member can drive out to get them.(If theyre still alive!) Please Pm me asap if possible and I'll shoot you a #
I'm keeping my fingers crossed. We're trying to get them to put the rays in the bag with the aro. So far the aro is ok.
I'll immediately email you some phone numbers for forum members in Calgary. That is indeed bad news to hear.

I sent off four pearls and an aro this morning too...
That really sucks! Did they damage the box and poke a hole in the bag? Or maybe drop the box? I am sorry for your loss and hope the aro makes it.
Not sure what happened at this point. We will have to wait for the box to land in Regina to see the damage. Total B.s. that the box wasn't taken off in Regina in the first place. Shipping was taken care of from the other end so He is in contact with the airline and keeping me posted. From what I understand It's supposed to land in an hour or so.
Thanks to Theo and everyone for your help and concern. It's times like this when it shows what a great community we have at
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Well...Chuck...sorry the rays didn't make it!...hpoefully they (the airliners) will compensate you/buyer for the lost!...that sucks big time..
Well, the aro made it. I'm not exactly sure how. When the package arrived the fish had been moved into a dell computer box with no insulation or heat packs. The aro was still in the original triple bagged packaging but the rays had been moved into another plastic bag. It was late last night when these came in. Hopefully today we can get some answers.
dead stingray from shipment from westjet

dear member i'm seeking for some help to get something done with shipping company due to mishandling and carelessness to our pet if any members have any contact to westjet or higher authority feel free to jot me a few notes or call 306-540-2411 to get to the bottom of this this the second time its happen to me istill trying to deal with them.

mike bui dead rays box.jpg

dead rays box3.jpg

dead rys box2.jpg


The first thing Westjet will likely do is offer you a refund on the shipping and/or some kind of credit on future shipping. They will offer to send you a cheque. If you want to press for proper reimbursement, do not accept a cheque. Once you do it can be seen as you having reached settlement. Also, watch your email communication closely as you will probably rely on it if you go to small claims court.

I do not know how small claims court works in Sask, but in BC any claim under $10,000 can be persued in small claims by an individual. You do not need a lawyer, it is not hard to do. If you have a strong case usually the company will just settle with you before going to trial since the cost of them having to pay their lawyer will outweigh the cost of reimbursing you. Sometimes the company will let the claim go to court and then still not send a lawyer. In this case it is uncontested and the judge will side in your favour.

Without knowing the details it is hard to say how strong a case you have. Did the rays die as a result of Westjet mishandling the fish? Was the bag punctured in transit? I think everyone on this forum has a strong interest in helping you any way we can, along with learning as much as we can about what went wrong and why/how.
I can assure you that neither the box or any of the packing inside it are original packaging. The original packaging was a large box/styro with the dimensions of 27"x18"x 14". The box was the same one Chen received his 4 leos in a few months ago. This was a pretty thick box! I had double lined the bottom of the box with another layer of styro. 8 Small heat packs throughout the box. Aro and rays were triple bagged.
I have never heard of anything like this before. I can only guess that cargo handlers had some kind of accident (maybe with the forklift?) while moving the box around. Perhaps the original box was crushed or at least ripped such that a replacement was needed? Presumably the fish bag also got damaged/punctured, which led to the death of the fish? Just to be clear, the box shown in the photos posted by Mike are not of the box that you sent the fish in?
Absolutely not. I would never ship a fish in packaging like that. I took extra almost extreme precautions because of the weather.......
Looks to me like you have an extremely strong case for 100% reimbursement of any and all costs associated with the loss. Save that packaging Mike, just in case you need it as evidence for small claims.
sorry to hear about this. i have a similar story coming up regarding ST that is being shipped to me. its been 2 days in transit now. things are not looking good for me. i understand your frustration.
thanks guys for all your concern its the worst day of my life this is the second time its happening to me due to there mishandling and lack of transportation skill if this is there pet i wonder what they would have done. very sad i;m still try to coped with the death of my last order try to deall with westjet last complaint they basically told me to ffff off. i'm going to take a different approach and will fight for my right.

mike bui
Use the courts if you have to Mike. This is negligence, pure and simple. Even if they had you sign a waiver (unlikely) or if there is small print in the contract saying they are not responsible for loss/damage etc., when they screw up to the point of not only shipping your fish to the wrong city, but somehow destroying the packaging of the fish, ensuring their death, well they are in the wrong. You will win on this one. It just may take a while.

I once took the time to really study the shipping contract language and remember a clause about live animals having to be packed such that they can survive untended for at least 48 hours. This is why I add pure oxygen to every bag of fish I ship, along with the use of heat packs. I know that if the fish are misdirected, at least they will survive till found. Your case is totally different. It sounds like they accidentally destroyed your fish box and killed your fish. Then they kind of hastily threw everything into another box and shipped it on to you. It almost reminds me of a Monty Python sketch. :rolleyes: