Here is the last arrowana I will ever own


I am so tired of growing these guys out to finding them on the floor. No idea how he broke through the last top but I am done...with Arrows


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This one managed to slide out the 2 inch gap... The other 3 broke the glass. Stingrays are now my comfort zone.
Sorry for the loss. You and I seem to be on two sides of the same coin, since for me aros are the comfort zone. For now anyway.

Did you ever get any photos of the fish before it died? It looks like it had some nice red developing on gill plate... :(
Sorry for the loss. You and I seem to be on two sides of the same coin, since for me aros are the comfort zone. For now anyway.

Did you ever get any photos of the fish before it died? It looks like it had some nice red developing on gill plate... :(
The last month it was getting amazing looking. I was literally just bragging to Scott about it yesterday as it wqs up to 3 shrimp per day and colors were coming big time....the same thing happens to all of them before they jump out...
man sorry to hear about your loss!! my freinds red, about the same size, jumped through a 2 inch crack as well. luckily, he there when it happened. just make sure to add weights to the glass top and have 0 openings. i cut pieces of glass to go over my glass top. just so i can sleep at night. lol
That is very sad. I am going to have to put some extra weight on my lids before it happens to me. Take a break from the aros and come back later. I know how depressing losing a prized fish can be. Just give it time.
Sorry for your loss. I felt the same way after losing one of my reds. Decided to never use glass lids again!

Currently using 1/2" cell cast acrylic lids braced on the ends to try and keep them from sagging. Each lid (18"x30") weighs over 30 lbs, so I don't have to put any additional weights on the lid to hold it down. Although, I do have my light fixture resting on the bracing. 1/2" acrylic is almost bullet proof, so I figure it should at least be aro proof. :D

As a bonus, acrylic is extremely easy to cut holes into. Drilled a 1.5" feeding hole so I don't have to open the lids during meal time.
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sorry for your lost rudy.

what thickness of glass do i need to make my top aro proof? i put 2 shoplights on a sliding top with 3/8" glass with a 4" overlap. is that thick or heavy enough?
sorry to hear, that really sucks.

when i had my aro earlier on it would jump like crazy too...n one of my glass lids broke n is replaced with styrofoam and tape...i should really replace it soon bc im sure he can easily free willy through...
sorry for your lost rudy.

what thickness of glass do i need to make my top aro proof? i put 2 shoplights on a sliding top with 3/8" glass with a 4" overlap. is that thick or heavy enough?

That's definitely thick enough, but I'd be worried about it cracking when the aro jumps or when taking off the lids for service. Is it tempered glass?

IMHO, you can't go wrong with acrylic, except for the extra cost. It's not bad if you consider piece of mind.
Sorry to hear about your loss Tim. I lost my first rtg that way. I've had other aros jump out but have been lucky enough to be close by when it happened. My dog ate my first rtg.