Need some help thoughts?


I have 2 males and 2 female p14s. A Mature male, A getting there male, and a couple of females. One mature and one getting there. Lately the "getting there" female is starting to get beat up by the "getting there" male . Wasn't bad but now as the wounds are getting a bit bigger I am getting worried. They are not terrible but I find males that don't know what they are doing can get a bit dangerous.

I have bred rays before but for those of you who had seen my female there is not a lot a male could do to hurt her. (she was massive) Wondering if I should seperate the male and put him in a tank with a mature female of another species (perhaps cheaper motoro), leave him in there and take her out, or what.

Let me know your thoughts. Thanks
Is your one right there female pregnant? If not I would actually take out both males until the female heals completely and starts to relax more. You could stick a larger motoro female in there for some practice as it won't hurt anything unless but see if you can get a marble instead as the pups would look alot better?
Well this is kind of an interesting turn. All of a sudden my old male has become HYPER aggressive and seemingly protective of the female. Any time the small male comes close to the female the large one goes rank and bites him away. Male dominance???? Weird I will keep posted what happens but they are both staying for a few days to see how this plays out!