Preparing to install a 535 gallon tank into my basement


Arowana blogger
Builders show up in half an hour to rip out a chunk of my basement under the stairs; then they install a reinforcement beam, two new footings, and some steel reinforced concrete flooring; the beam that is being reinforced is basically the backbone of the house. The 535 gallon I have sits on blocks, just waiting as it has since last summer. I am going to ask the builders to throw together a heavy duty wood stand I think.

I am excited, but also a bit nervous...
I am focusing on sending my most positive and grounded energies towards your house today. It would be wonderful to throw that new underwater camcorder in your 535 and let it record for a few hours!
All the jackhammering, whacking with crowbars, electric sawing - it is actually happening. :eek:

Keep those positive vibes coming Sygoomei; this looks to be a 3-4 day job.

Gerry, the tank is a 4 X 8 X 2.5 Tenecor with twin corner overflows. When I mentioned these dimensions to some ray-heads in Europe, they just responded with "Oh, yeah, a standard ray tank", the way most aquarists would refer to a 50 gallon for keeping a pair of anglefish or something.

Which gives you a hint of what I want to at least partially stock this tank with Mike. :)

As for the final stocking plan? Still thinking about it.
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lol my adrenaline would be less if I didn't have a young XB in a 150 gallon tank 6 feet away from where all the work is being done! :rolleyes:

But he can take it. He is a cute little XB and is totally acclimatized so a couple days of noise will hopefully be no worse than a big typhoon is in nature. :D

Seriously though, you KNOW this has been years in the making, so yeah, my heart is beating faster than normal right now. :)

Some pics to come in a few days. ;)
Really nice dimensions for some african cichlids.


Sorry, couldn't help myself. ;)
When I mentioned these dimensions to some ray-heads in Europe, they just responded with "Oh, yeah, a standard ray tank", the way most aquarists would refer to a 50 gallon for keeping a pair of anglefish or something.


congrats on the headway
HL is the closest to what I am aiming at; the only question I have is whether to go for a multi-aro com or just have one nice SR instead. I really want a trio of leos though.

Today the old beam was taken out, tomorrow the new beam goes in. The house is held up by a bunch of jacks right now. I am still waiting to get the final quote on what they will charge to build a simple stand; I forwarded your photos to the builder Gerry, thanks. :)
i suggest you find someone to weld you a metal stand with 1-2 inch square tube. I got mine done and tested for 5 ton of weight for 300$