Ray pics


Super Moderator
Just wanted to start a thread for folks from AC to post photos of the various FW Rays they own. Seems like many on here have them with many more about to get their new rays in the next few weeks.

I'll start it off by listing type, sex and sizes in disc diameter. I'll take some better pics (not as good as Gerry's) and will upload them later to start off here are ones from a few weeks back.

Current Stock:
P13 : 2 Males (10" and 8.5"), 2 Females (9" and 7.5")

Soon to arrive:
P12 : 2 Females (9-10")




Keep those things to yourself. You're killing me! lol j/k. Nice rays. Glad to see you didn't sell the second pair. Can't wait to see the henlei when they come in.
Here are a couple of mine, which have bred four times now within a couple of years.


  • my motoro.jpg
    my motoro.jpg
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that's a nice pair Car....wow 4 TIMES...amazing

Chuck!...saving the second pair for you! lol
There you go again Gerry! :-) :-)

What lense did you use on those shots? dammit...can you set up a conference call to teach us! lol
how's the ray going M? he's looking very very lonely....I think he needs a girlfriend or two or three?
my rays actually a she. shes doing really well. eating a lot more prawn now. shes settling in very good. ill be adding in a pair of bd x leo sometime soon. the bd x leo will be in a 80 gal to get feeding well and adjusted. after that i have to get a new tank for the trio of rays and hopefully a nice red aro to go with the mix.
good stuff....New tank? group buy underway with tenecor...

yeah...not sure but I might end up picking up a pair of BD's next year....but that would mean I will need to sell a pair of my leo's first....but that's next year....

man there are lots of rays around canada all of a sudden...great to see!
wow pair od bds now huh! good stuff. those are on my list but not for a while! lol. one step at a time. definately need a new tank before i can think about buying anymore rays and aro. tenecor sounds like the way to go. hopefully there are enough people in van interested to get one going in the early new year.
thanks! male is doing great. eats prawn, blackworms, earthworms.

female is really picky and slow too food. the 2 males in the tank are just gluttons. shes been divided and eating frozen bloodworms. hope she starts getting bigger.