hey hey what's up guys !
haven't been on this site for a long asss time..
thinking about trading my picky BBXB in for this RED
he's about a year old eats anything including pellets..
please let me know what you guys think of him
is he worth the trade ?
I'm actually on the other side of the fence, I prefer a nice red to a nice BBXB. Hard to tell the quality of the fish from the photo youve provided, though. Any others?
i had my bbxb for almost 2 years now...
havent grown much at all... everything else got BIG!
this red eating anything is one of the main reasons i want to pick up this guy
my bbxb is a pain in the ass to feed.
only eats live shrimp and super worms.
sorry about picture quality i only had my shitty camera phone when i saw this guy...