ST Dats.

their are ST and their are ST :D

its hard to find good grade ST with perfect stripes alot of them have forked bars and little extra stripe

all ST are nice the color stays a lot better than IT
dragon guy when there is some true ST for BC area i'll let you know.
I ask a couple of lfs to get me some but they're not sure how long it will take for them to find some true ST
dragon guy when there is some true ST for BC area i'll let you know.
I ask a couple of lfs to get me some but they're not sure how long it will take for them to find some true ST

you will be very lucky to get any ST below 8inch now

even in countrys that used to have loads of ST they have none now its just the same large ones passing from owner to owner

you maybe able to get some larger ST for singapore for a good price but they dont ship well and the shipping is very expencive

i ordered 3 x 12inch ST from singapore last year

i brought them from private sellers on arofanatics for a good price £100 per ST then i got imperial palce to ship them for me

they need a very deep polybox to be shipped with 1 fish per box

4 x 12inch ST cost me £410 but buy the time you add shipping and paper work it added up to £1,000 for 4 x 12inch ST and 1 was dead on arrival :(
Finding a nice true ST these days is like finding the right woman, hard as hell... :D

But some do.
Eken i got a wife for 5 years now. She was right b4 we got married. there is no such thing as a right woman. so just learn that now while you can.
T1 its just this 1 lfs that i know well and usualy find me what i ask for. the husband like in indo and fly back and forth to singapore and last time i talk to him he said he'll find me some from over there and ship them over whenever he ships the aros over.
Eken i got a wife for 5 years now. She was right b4 we got married. there is no such thing as a right woman. so just learn that now while you can.
T1 its just this 1 lfs that i know well and usualy find me what i ask for. the husband like in indo and fly back and forth to singapore and last time i talk to him he said he'll find me some from over there and ship them over whenever he ships the aros over.

lol... How come married people always say that. If he finds some, they'll be probably around 12inch or so. But I'll take one for sure if you want to resell it :D
yeh 12inch i probably the smallest you will find

but they dont travel well at that size so just be careful

you have to remember a 12inch ST has a 7inch deep body so needs 14inch deep water in the polybox not like aros who only need 5inch deep water
that part i'll have to leave to the person thats shipping. DOA would be his problem..
but i'll tell him that...thanks
Anybody? Wow that's pretty amazing that there are so few ST in Canada. I guess I am one of the luck ones.
Anybody? Wow that's pretty amazing that there are so few ST in Canada. I guess I am one of the luck ones.

Is yours one of the ones that Yuppa brought in 4 years ago? There are quite a few stories involving that shipment of juvenile ST's. I sure loved the one I had in the batch, too bad he had such a temper!
I believe my ST is from the states. It was in really bad shape when I got him. Its funny how these fish get passed around. I dont think I'll ever give this guy up.
I believe my ST is from the states. It was in really bad shape when I got him. Its funny how these fish get passed around. I dont think I'll ever give this guy up.

you say that but i have sold my ST twice and brought it back each time for alot more than i sold it

i wont be selling it again :D
nope. got this guy somewhere else. saw him and got him right away. very rare in canada. however, i bought him in the states and brought him back up here. lol.