ST wacking my SR


Super Moderator
so little bit at a time and as I'm home today I noticed the ST chasing the heck out of my SR. The SR's already lost a strip of his tail which looks like it was broken off. His 3 lost scale has already started to grow back very nicely but DAMN the ST continues to chase him. I'm seriously considering selling off the ST and keep my SR alive. I'm not really keen on getting other larger fish to take the attention away as if that doesn't work out I'll have to rid of those fish as well...other option is to buy another 3-4 larger aros....but thats just more money! LOL....

what to do? what to do! sigh...
The ST can be aggressive...... you should seperate the fish immediately before you loose the SR!!!!! considering the size of your ST.... The SR has NO chance !!!!
hey chen

id recommend getting rid of that st if you want your sr to remain alive. if the st rams your aro, it can kill it with one blow. personally, what i would do in your situtation is sell the red and buy a bigger aro. sts are hard to find. if you can get an aro thats big enough, it will hold its own against the st.

mine is the reverse. my aro is the dominant of the 2 and whacks the st from time to time. but all is well in the end. nothing too major.
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hrm...they were doing fine for a couple of weeks...not sure what the heck happen to them...must be a cultural thing!....I would rather keep the ST too since they are so fricken hard to find! and aros are everywhere....

or try a cheap solution and grab a big huge white Gourami from Dragon aquarium by my house and see if that takes the attention away from the SR....but if it doesn't then I'll have a huge gourami to rid off! LOL
The ST can be aggressive...... you should seperate the fish immediately before you loose the SR!!!!! considering the size of your ST.... The SR has NO chance !!!!

Kind of hard to separate them with no other tanks! I do have a 65gal bin that my Plat RTC is in with my FX5's got a very secure lid but not sure if that's the route...
LOL...damn monsters.....

ok...who wants a great looking red for cheap! LOL come get him :-)
Keep the ST and sell the SR Aro, there is just too many of the aro on the market... and it just gets cheaper every year.
Aw man, don't give into the pressure! Try putting in another power head at mid level and see if the current diverts his attention.
you need a wave maker not a powerhead lol. sts are strong swimmers. its gona take more than just a few powerheads.
I need a big stick to put the st inline. I was actually looking at getting a wave maker. Hrm. But there goes more $$$$
More aros might break up the aggression. Still interested in some aros? ;)

At first, my ST was snapping at my aros, but I noticed that it's just being a bit territorial, and not picking on any one in particular.
More aros might break up the aggression. Still interested in some aros? ;)

At first, my ST was snapping at my aros, but I noticed that it's just being a bit territorial, and not picking on any one in particular.

I might be interested in some aros :-) sent you a note on your email...;-)

I've readjusted the powerheads...seems like it's calmed down..