Swim blader problems

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Maybe he is away i sure hope so. i am still giving him the benefit of the doubt at this moment .

Yes there was a heatpack 1 little heat pack for a 16 inches Aro doing a cross country journey. on top of that he was packed 3 h prior to flight and on of the bag ruptured along the way, there was notthing in the box to stabilize the bag
Combine that with the fact it was -4 in Mtl that poor fish never had a chance. :(

Anyways i will be a little more patient with the seller.
is there a rule against publicly calling him out ?

That's pretty pathetic. When I shipped or received snakes in the winter there was always 2 heat packs, one in the box and one taped to the lid and everything would be secured with crumpled newspaper. I would wait and see if the seller does anything about it and if they don't, consult with the moderators before you post a negative thread. Personally I would make sure to add a snide comment on every post he or she made if they don't make this right.
Agreed. Let's try and get it worked on via pm vs taking it to public. Everything can be worked out!
Sorry to hear.....

Unfortunatly, all the meds, low water level, no filtration, didnt help him at all...

Good clean water, well airated and well filtered is all i would have done.. No lights, high temp included.

Adding water from another tank does nothing for the arowana. All you'd be adding is stale water, full of nitrates. Not a good choice. It doesnt matter if it comes from a cycled tank. The filter is what is cycled, not the water.

I would have used water from the tap, treated for chlorine if needed, but thats it.

Even in the condition he arrived, i think he still had a chance.

How did you acclimate the fish to the new tank?
Ok so i had no lights , hi temp , well aired , salt ,

What would you have done ? just belly up in the 33g with treated tap water , with canfilter ON , and no lights and aired ?

To acclimate the fish ( he was upside down and not breathing much ) i took the bag he was in and put that bag in the tank and let it rest for a while so that the shock from the hot to frigid cold water he was in would be minimal then i set it free

Im pretty confused at this point .
Can i get i step by step guideline on what to do if you get a fish that as suffered serious trauma during transportation . In case this happens to someone else in the future
I dont treat with meds unless i know for sure what the issue is.

Low water in the tank does not treat for swim bladder. An upside down fish does not mean swim bladder.

An upside down fish, barely breathing in a shipping box is generally from a few combined things: Low oxygen, low temperature, high ammonia.

As soon as i would have seen this, i would have opened the bag, and treated with prime to neutralize the ammonia. Did a quik temp adjustment, by adding tank water to the bag, and got him out of the bag ASAP. Into a well airated, heated, and filtered aquarium. Water level being irrelevant. From there, i would have crossed my fingers, and hoped for the best. But i would have left him for at least 24hrs. Chances are, he would have been fine.

I would have never treated with meds, lowered the water level, added stale water from another aquarium, or sandwiched him.....
I think that was far too stressfull on him... shipping was enough of a stress factor.
During severe times of stress, fish release hormones into their bodys, which effect circulatory and respiratory systems.

So my conclusion would be that while the shipping was the contributing factor... I dont think how he was handled afterwards helped much. I do thiink you did your best, and you did a great job at an attempt. I can imagine how you currently feel. Again, sorry for the loss.
I use the same method as motoro when I get rays in with broken bags ect...
There will also be a drop in ph most likely too besides what motoro has allready stated. The fish may freak out a little when dumped into the tank at first but it is still better than keeping it in an unhealthy enviorment.
Just a few other things to note I would make sure it was alone in the quarantne tank and I'd also leave the lights off for the next while and cover the tank to reduce any chance of outside stress.
Sorry for the loss and glad to see you made as much as an effort as you could. We all seem to learn more when these things happen.
Ok first off
Thank you for the great input.
i wish i had that knowledge when that doomed fish arrived .

There is too much conflicting info out. I hope that people can learn from my very terrible experience.
Unless someone has some full proof technique to bring fishes back from the dead it is safe to say this thread should be killed
do you pictures of the fish in your tank after it had arrived and after it died? do you have any other tankmates in the tank with him?
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