New profile posts

just thinking...nothing confirm as I was looking at something at least 20" plus. My current aro is 16" so not looking for anything smaller....thanks

I heard you are looking to purchase an aro from John B, would you be interested in a smaller Elkino super red... 15"

Hi, i was looking for a specific arowana book called Awakening of the Dragon and was directed to you. If you have this book i would like to purchase a copy. Please let me know, thanks.

Hey Richard, how do you like your lince cat? what's his size? I have an opportunity to pick up a 12" cat for $500 Canadian...but not sure how they would interact within my tank...essentially my mates are very similar to yours right now....1 SR, 1 Tig, 1 GGGourami, 1 Albino Tinfoil, 8 SD's, 3 BDiamonds, 2 henleis and a tiger.....
Hey Daniel.....I had my contractors help me move the I don't have any movers in that i know of that can do this...perhaps you can ask Howard on here as I believe he has hired some for his new tank to arrive....

Can you recommend movers? I need my new fish moved into the house? It is 330 gallon starfire tank, 72" by 36" by 30. approximate weight is 800 lbs? Delivery date is Apr 16 ( Fri) in the evening say 5:00 pm.
Thanks in Advance!
