Recent content by Sygoomei

  1. S

    Fascinating behaviour of NGT with IT

    Hey peeps, been... oh... years (?) since I last posted anything here. But I've had some recent developments in my tank over the last few months that I think were more noteworthy here than BCA. This is in regards to Tu'Big the Indo Tiger that I bought from King Ed's about 4-5 years ago. He...
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    ~17" HBRTG FS $500

  3. S

    Preparing to install a 535 gallon tank into my basement

    I am focusing on sending my most positive and grounded energies towards your house today. It would be wonderful to throw that new underwater camcorder in your 535 and let it record for a few hours!
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    ~17" HBRTG FS $500

    I would prefer that the Aro would be sold to someone locally. I could probably manage to ship it out to someone without car access. I may be taking a trip to Penticton in 2 weeks so I could possibly drop it off somewhere out that way as well. Otherwise, this fish is for pickup.
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    ~17" HBRTG FS $500

    Hello everyone, I have been debating this issue for about 8 months now and have finally decided that in the interest of keeping a well balanced tank, selling the aro would be a good idea. I've had this RTG since October 2007. He's about 17" which is about the same size as my larger Charming...
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    HD video of my Aro and tank mates.

    What would the people around here like to see next? The Aro vids don't turn out as nice as the Phoenix, Bichir and IT ones. I've yet to try a 50 iso vid, but even then I have a hard time believing the colours will be as vibrant and clear as I'd like them. I edited a few quick vids I shot at...
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    HD video of my Aro and tank mates.

    The video took about 15-20 min to upload and about 10-15 to process into HD. It was watchable in 640x480 by the first time however.
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    HD video of my Aro and tank mates.

    Well I *just* posted this video on BCA and within 20 minutes I'd received a pm saying that I should really be posting it here as well. So here it is:' This is taken with the new 2009 underwater Sanyo Xacti in 720p. The youtube video doesn't look anywhere as nice as it does on my ps3 on a...
  9. S

    New Silver Dat

    This is my new, quite stable silver Dat! As you can see, he's quite small. That feeder learned not to cross the egg-crate division between large predators and small 'growers'--and is now too large to fit through the holes. I've decided not to feed him to anyone, as it adds a nice balance...
  10. S

    Silver Tiger - Location

    Thanks for the reply Justin! My friend and I have discussed the matter further and he now appears to agree with you. Vultexap, Damien
  11. S

    Flagtail question

    I agree with Yuppa. I don't agree that Taeniurus is the only species to grow 12"+ though.
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    What bichirs do you own?

    2 Endlicherri 1 Albino 1 Senegal (picked him up yesterday) I'm thinking of picking up 3 more in the near future.
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    Silver Tiger - Location

    A friend and I are having a discussion regarding Silver Tigers (quadrifasciatus). I recently bought the 'Aquarium Atlas' and it states that Silver Tigers come from Asia. My friend however says that Silver Tigers only come from South America. Does anyone know for certain where they come from...
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    FF question

    I too believe that they will all graze on all surfaces at about the same level of efficiency. However, if you have a planted tank, they may eat the plants more than the glass/acrylic. I also find that 1 phoenix will do a much better job, than 2-3. If you're keeping more than 1 in a tank, then...
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    Truly a supreme tiger!

    Unfortunately I've encountered another camera problem... I was just trying to take pics, and noticed there was a fly buzzing around. Well the fly turns out to be inside my DSLR; not only that, but not just in the lens, but the viewfinder itself. I'm not sure how I'm going to approach this...