Search results

  1. H

    wide bar silver dollar

    anyone know what is the usual selling price for them for 3"-4" so far there are only thin bar around Toronto.
  2. H

    wide bar silver dollar

    i couldnt find any of wide bar silver dollar (blue fin) at Toronto, not even small size. I wonder is it also rare at other provinces, or is it just not in the season yet?
  3. H

    Wide bar silver dollar

    i see, just learn few more things from you.
  4. H

    Wide bar silver dollar

    How to tell if it is wide bar or thin bar when they are small size. Is it by the colour of anal fin? Red for thin bar black for wide bar?
  5. H

    LF: axolotl

    i saw it at lucky's few month ago, Jim should be able to get them.
  6. H

    pls Id this cichlid for me

    i think it is vieja regani. maybe i can find it at big al
  7. H

    pls Id this cichlid for me

    thanks Gerry
  8. H

    pls Id this cichlid for me

    atleast the name of this fish??? is it expensive?? where can i get it at Toronto??
  9. H

    P14 female update

    just moved them to big tank Tim, that p12 is from you.
  10. H

    Freshwater Bumble Bee Grouper (video clip) ......

    i had kept in before in saltwater, it is more aggressive than redtail catfish. it would eat all the tankmate.
  11. H

    Hikari pellets

    I will order hikari pellets, anyone whats the difference between Hikari Massivore Delite Sinking Pellets and Hikari Sinking Carnivore??? i would also try their jumbo carnstick, darn expensive
  12. H

    West Jet Pick-ups in GTA

    Mike should confirm the date with me by friday
  13. H

    West Jet Pick-ups in GTA

    Chen are you pick up P14s, i might pick up my BD rays this weekend as well, westjet too.
  14. H

    kinda worried about rays loss of appetite

    i totally understand the stress you going through. especially to have a few thousand dollar fish died. However i am stuck with rays, because i cant find other fishes is as interesting as stingrays. somehow its the challenge makes stingrays attractive.
  15. H

    P14 female update

    thanks Tim, i might pick a male pup from you in the future.
  16. H

    P14 female update

    still cant compare to your pair. i only have sucess to have leo and pearl into pellets, i still cant get my henlei and P14 to eat pellets. they are between 8-11", should i keep them hungry for a few days??
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    P14 female update

    she is around 11" eats shrimp, earth worm, smelt and silver fish. i lost the male, so maybe need to find her a husband.
  18. H

    Itaituba 5 months ago and now.

    would they eat pelletes??
  19. H

    breeding under 100gallon??

    That is the actual tank where it gave the birth.
  20. H

    breeding under 100gallon??

    So how hard could it be to breed stingray?? i read this at taiwan website, the tank is only L48"xW18"xH24" its under 100 gallons.