kinda worried about rays loss of appetite


New Member
hey guyz
last couple days 1 of my rays has slowed down her appetite, she is still eatting but less then half of what she normally eats. She is 8-9 inches and is the most aggressive when it comes to feeding,well useto be . I had he separated my egg crate for 3 weeks due to a injury and reintroduced her about a week ago. she doesnt seem stressed to me still very active and never goes under the sand.
run down of her set up
2 wc weekly 30% per wc

tank mates are
3 more ray pups
5 loaches
1 8-9 inch aro
juvi tire teack eel
juvi tiger shovel nose
and 1 med sized frontosa
water conditions are
nitrate is .5-10 cant really tell by the test kit card, after 2 days of no wc.
With the water parameters I would say it would have to be stress from the other tankmates. Just keep an eye on things and see if it is just one tankmate picking on her or if she is just getting use to being back sorrounded by everything
dont worry until she stops eating.

never over look anything though and think its nothing,keep a close eye on it and stay consistant on everything.and sometimes rays just dont eat as much sometimes they just stop eating and die this is rare but it does happen.

its not a very stressfree hobby i am right now strongly considering selling all my rays vert soon.i am too stressed over something thats is supposed to be a hobby.

best advice relax and keep a eye on it.could be anything maybe waterchanges spook him a bit??

how long has it been going on for

i totally understand the stress you going through. especially to have a few thousand dollar fish died. However i am stuck with rays, because i cant find other fishes is as interesting as stingrays. somehow its the challenge makes stingrays attractive.
Yes you are! :-). Now keep it to yourself! Not everyone looks through the same bottle as you! Lol
Y bitter u just sent me a very excited txt happy to hear she's eating
Now y is my ray eating half her diet?
For what it's worth my rays always slow eating at this time of year. Every ray I have ever lost was at this time of year as well. Think Calgary adds cloramines to the water. They never admit it but it can't be coincidence. Weather it keep your carbon new and water changes up. Mine are doing the same thing.
For what it's worth my rays always slow eating at this time of year. Every ray I have ever lost was at this time of year as well. Think Calgary adds cloramines to the water. They never admit it but it can't be coincidence. Weather it keep your carbon new and water changes up. Mine are doing the same thing.

Very weird. Only one of my rays are acting up p14xleo
tim i think so too but the drip must filter out chloramaines if you use the right type of carbon correct??is their any sort of test kit for chloramaines?
i test the tap water and no traces of ammonia in it.but i have herd that somebody confirmed theirs chloramaines at certian times.

Past the point of proving or caring. Been an ongoing them for years so as soon as they slow eating I add extra carbon. Carbon in my opinion worsk fo a very short period of time regardless of how good it is needs to be changed very regulatory.
Very weird. Only one of my rays are acting up p14xleo

Some rays will be more tolerant is my theory. 5 years ago in a system of tough rays I lost the healthiest which was a male leo and a large female ccastexi. Was in Spril.
I will run to the store then. I stop using carbon due to the fact I read that carbon takes calcium outta the water.
chloramine treatment is recognized by the Province of Alberta and Health Canada as an approved, safe water treatment process.......

Chlorine is the most common disinfectant used in Alberta....

Check with your local waterworks facility and just ask them if they treat, and if they don't use it constantly... when are common periods.... A very simple phone call will answer this question. Spring is the most active time for chemical additions to water supplies.

Eliminate factors like this first if they come to mind.

PH swings wont cause a decrease in feeding...its what caused that swing that will cause the decrease. You'll need to determine if that is the case. See if it is happening, then find out why. Or post the results here, and you'll get your answers.

Those are the only things i see addressed so far....

Heres what i would do if this happened to me:

eliminate factors like mentioned above(anything change?)

Contact your local water supply... see what they have done as of late.

Compare tank water readings to tap water.

Start with that....

Chances are, its stress.... or she could be bored of the food... offer something different. Who knows. Dont act on anything until you know what it is.... and DONT wait till she stops eating completely to be concerned....
Do not stop the prazi as this is not the problem. Stop the salt. Chloramine filters cannot handle a high flow rate like the chlorine filters so if it is dripping to much then there could be ammonia entering your system through here. See if you can find the specs on the chloramine filter and maybe do waterchanges with pretreated water for now.
Matty bro I also have a 155 I am gonna split them up 3 In 1 and 3 I'n the other and my 160 is 2.5 wide. And they are not gonna be there forever. Waiting For the glass I ordered but I'll post that I'n diy when I start assembling it

I have a question about prime and salt. When I change water I add for the water I am putting in so 75 gl worth of prime. Is that right or should I be add for the full tank 160 worth? And salt I add 3 t spoons of salt per change to much or to little?
I have a question about prime and salt. When I change water I add for the water I am putting in so 75 gl worth of prime. Is that right or should I be add for the full tank 160 worth? And salt I add 3 t spoons of salt per change to much or to little?

Always add prime for the new water added, not the total volume of the tank.
Do you consistantly add salt during waterchanges? If using salt in a ray tank only use it as a mild tonic 1lb per 100gallons for 4 days and then use waterchanges to dilute it out.
thx for the in put guyz
today no change she ate 1 small shrimp and half a earth worm gonna seprate the grp 2morrow put the 2 most active 2 in my 155 leave her with my shy motoro. but as i was watchin her today i seen these brown dots on her under belly. now the pic i am attaching u can see the ones on her left side, she also has one on her right side. she also wall climbs none stop and breaths every hard when doin so. i dono just shooting things i notice may be of relevance i am not sure.
thx guyz


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one thing to also look at .... is she shedding one of her stingers? I know when mine shreds their they breath heavy for a couple of days and don't eat much...after they they go crazy for food again.
Cheon has contacted his water supply company and received an "unsure answer"....

Even if chloramine is being added to the water supply, your treating it with water changes anyway i presume with water conditioner. My reccomendation to find out if it was being added, was based on Chloramines being mentioned in this thread.... A simple call would have cleared that up, but to be expected, Cheon did not receive a for sure answer.

Its not chloramines anyway...

Adding additional supplements and medications to the tank is a horrible idea if you dont know what your treating. Unless you know for sure that it is a parasite, or have no other choice, then the "shotgun" method is best. Basically a combination of meds.. used to combat a range of problems

My first question would have to be, have you added any live fish to the tank within the last few months? (2-4 months)

The biggest causes for Heavy breathing are as follows:

Water Quality (ammonia topping the list)

Low Oxygen content in the water


Gill issues


Water Quality seems to check out... if it didn't, usually other fish would be effected in one way or the other.

Low Oxygen content doesn't effect all fish the same, as not all fish need the same amount. So this one ray may need more O2 that is currently in the tank.

Parasites..... could be some sort of parasite... to determine, you'll need to remember if you have added anything within the last few months. not just fish.. used equipment, plants, deco, ect

Gill Issues... Possible damage to them making them not as efficient at extracting O2 from the water, making the breathing a more labored task. This may have been brought on by past ammonia issues in the tank, or previous tank. How long has she been in your care? have you ever had any issues with water quality?

Stress can lead to heavy breathing as well.

All of these causes can also cause a lack of appetite.

To narrow it down, first discover if it is in fact a parasite. I'm not sure if your treating right now or not.... but you'll need a reason to do so.. so figure out if a parasite could have entered the system somehow threw something new. AFTER you have eliminated other possible issues.
Unfortunatly, treating with meds can also cause labored breathing.

So what i would do is this:

Cooler water temps have the ability to hold more O2. So set your tank temp around 26-27c, unless its already there.

Second, add more air to the tank. A couple of air stones will work fine. If you dont have any, then point your returns to the surface. Cause as much agitation as you can. Dont point them all up there, as you still want circulation in the tank. This should solve the question of Low Oxygen content in the water.

Third, if you can, eliminate some of the other bottom dwellers. Other rays are fine, but some of the others may be leading to stress.

Keep up on water changes and insure you do the other things mentioned.

She should get better within 24-48 hrs...

Then again, could be parasites.... but we'll know as soon as you answer the "new additions" question.