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  1. protoxeno

    What's up with retail prices for Asian aros these days?

    Nice breakdown Cirrus. Your example is accurate in terms of sending a personal agent overseas to pick out fish for you. Normally you would contact a farm and it saves taxi fees, hotel and plain tickets etc. Your logic is fair and I do see if at high end should cost that much.
  2. protoxeno


    I would pay 2k - 2.5k on that.
  3. protoxeno

    What's up with retail prices for Asian aros these days?

    Granddragon "Right now I think it is a lot of wishful thinking for I have yet to see a Red fish here in North America. Not to ruin anyones dreams but I dont think I am that far from the truth." All the more not worth $3000 bucks for it.
  4. protoxeno

    What's up with retail prices for Asian aros these days?

    Even though if one is happy with their fish, they sure can complain all they want about how expensive even higher quality fish. I believe they would one day feel happier to own an even better fish at a lower cost. Don't say that can't be done because of the high demand and low supply. We all...
  5. protoxeno

    What's up with retail prices for Asian aros these days?

    Well said. Its a fact that some people buy according to its price because it share the owner's identity as they perceive it. I am not one to stop the hobby if everyone can own one. I own an aro because of its majestic features; the colouration, the whiskers, its arrogant look that they are the...
  6. protoxeno


    Good stuff. Hope everything is cool now.
  7. protoxeno

    What's up with retail prices for Asian aros these days?

    The only difference that I see from this forum then others is that we openly discuss pricing and value of different farms. Giving out broad open opinion is a basic mentality on this forum. At arofanatics, I don't think much are talked about in the open on prices LFS charges or the legitimacy...
  8. protoxeno

    What's up with retail prices for Asian aros these days?

    "Similarly, is that $1.60 cup of coffee at the nearest Starbucks truly that much better than the old 50 cent cuppa joe you could get at the corner diner? Likely, the answer is no. The higher price point obviously includes something else--an intangible value that the producer and consumers have...
  9. protoxeno

    What's up with retail prices for Asian aros these days?

    Here is something about pricing from a book I am reading. I Learned from a Canadian by Leonard Brody and David Raffa. Page 51. "In a world of product parity where almost every item is comparable to others in its category, premium pricing has become a way to achieve market differentiation...
  10. protoxeno

    rtg update 02182008

    Dang that oscar is getting his butt kicked. Poor thing.
  11. protoxeno

    What's up with retail prices for Asian aros these days?

    Yeah thats true. The prices of the fish LFS are selling hasn't decrease at all. All they have done is to stock another product thats a lot cheaper. If I go to a LFS and ask for their regular stock not the indo reds, and say would they be willing to sell to me by a lot comparing to the group...
  12. protoxeno

    x-backs vs chilis

    Everyone got their own tastes.
  13. protoxeno

    Chinese New Year Update

    Looks good, thanks for sharing.
  14. protoxeno

    x-backs vs chilis

    Twice the price hehe, you should see that fish near the end of the store, the FFL (deformed aro with a large hump but in actuality its an aro with a spine defect. aka Fa Fook Long) they sell for $10k+ .....the difference is just the main thing that comes about selling high buying low. If you...
  15. protoxeno

    Eheim Canister Filter

    Yeah BigAl's isn't like walmart of fish equipment haha. More like.....the GAP haha.
  16. protoxeno

    Want to build 8x3x3 aquarium

    Yeah actually I've went through that before. You need to ask yourself a few question before going for concret or plywood. Do you want to move your plywood in the future? Did you work out the cost of concrete vs plywood? Which is faster and if it matters to you? How many people can help you with...
  17. protoxeno

    x-backs vs chilis

    Cyrus, VIP reds are selling at LFS in GTA for $2700 at Gold Ocean, Panda Reds are going for $1375 includes shipping and taxes. Why VIP cost more? Ask LFS owner why charge that much.
  18. protoxeno

    Want to build 8x3x3 aquarium

    For plywood you need at least 3/4" thick ply I believe. Make sure when you do drill it goes right in the center and not cause the wood to split. You need resin to paint it with, google a resin called "sweet water". I think its $50 a can on some website. You'd need a few tubes of silicon H&B...
  19. protoxeno

    x-backs vs chilis

    Depends on various things, mostly people judge by looking if there are redness on the cheeks or some indication. After that its body shape such as how broad the tail is, how spoony the head is, how big the pectoral fins are. So far in T.O. a shop by Golden Ocean is selling VIP reds and VIP...
  20. protoxeno

    Hi all

    Welcome, enjoy your stay.