Search results

  1. DragonfishExotics

    Japanese Import Koi

    My order of Japanese koi from Niigata have been through 90 days of quarantine and are ready for sale. My koi come from many breeders featuring: Dainichi "Sakura" Showa, Dainichi "Rikidozan" Kohaku. Dainichi being one of the most famous breeder of grand champions in Japan. I am able to ship...
  2. DragonfishExotics

    Close up pic

    Heres a close up of one of my 10 dats I just purchased. I did a dat comm tank with a 210 gal.
  3. DragonfishExotics

    Dats eating in my 210gal

    Heres a short video of my 10 dats eating some vitamin soaked MP at dinner time. Please excuse the Black Arowana, I do live in NY now smh.
  4. DragonfishExotics

    Whats the most prized fish you ever owned?

    Come on guys lets hear what your most fav or prized fished you ever owned? Yes turtles are included.
  5. DragonfishExotics

    Aros in Calgary

    Hey guys I am in Calgary, I was wondering if anyone knows where the arowana dealer is here. From what i can recall I think it was called Riverside? Does anyone know? Thanks!
  6. DragonfishExotics

    Selling 16" Chili Red Aro and tankmates

    I hate to do this, but something big in my familly has come up and I have to be in Calgary for ahile. That is why I havent been around lately. So unfortunately I am selling my 16" Chili red and tankmates. I have a 16" Panda chili red who is delevoping a very nice deep red color, full red cheeks...
  7. DragonfishExotics

    Chili Red, breathing heavy!

    I just moved into my place this weekend. It was a big job moving my tanks. I have moved many aros, but this move went badly. I was very careful and prepared. I took 80% of my water with me. I was placing the air stone in his container when he saw light and jumped light, it was that quick...
  8. DragonfishExotics

    Looking for adult Motoro Rays

    Wanted to buy adult motoros. PM if interested.
  9. DragonfishExotics

    WTB Adult Asian Arowanas

    I am looking for adult healthy REDS and XBACKS, possibly RTGS! Please be full size and over 4 years old. I am located on Vancouver Island, we could arrange shipping or pick up. Top dollar paid for quality fish.
  10. DragonfishExotics


    Has anyone kept a Merodontonus tigrinus catfish with their arowana? I was looking into getting one for my arowana comm tank, any experiences?
  11. DragonfishExotics

    Koi with aro comm

    Anyone kept high grade koi with their aros??
  12. DragonfishExotics

    Big move

    I am moving 2 adult chili red and one adult xback today. I'll try to get some pics, wich me luck!
  13. DragonfishExotics

    Motoro ray question

    I am fairly new to the ray scene, but I am looking at purchasing some for my Chili red comm tank. Whats the difference between Peru and Columbian Motoros? Thanks for the help.
  14. DragonfishExotics

    18" Jardini

    I have a friend how has a 18" Jardini, its been very well kept and it quite colorfull for a Jardini, what do you guys think would be the going rate, if he were to sell?
  15. DragonfishExotics

    jouvenile Fly river turtle

    anyone know where I could find one?
  16. DragonfishExotics

    welcome Biggs

    Would like to give a hello to our new member Biggs, he is the president of the Greater Victoria Aquarium Society. I had a chance to some of his collection on the weekend, very nice stuff.
  17. DragonfishExotics

    Hello all!

    Hi my name is Bill. I reside on Vancouver Island. I have been in the hobby for 15 years and kept Asian aros for 5. I have a Chili red comm tank, with a Panda Chili, 2 Indo dats, prochilidous flag fish, ornate bichir, and a clown loach. And yes everyone does get along. I also have a 100...