

Super Moderator
Something must have went very wrong last night/early this morning...just about to head out and noticed my tig dead....looks like holes at the back of his fins and under his belly...not sure what it is....just in the process of doing a 50% WC and adding salt to see if it kills what ever might have killed it...I'll post some pics later....the water chem seems good, there's some very minor coverage on some of my rays ie..white film...but i've seen that before so sure that's the cause of Tig's death...:mad::mad: :confused::confused:

Well....going to see what happens while I'm for the rest of the day....
here's photos of the tig



Sorry for the loss.... whats worse is wondering how it happened

yeah...don't know if it's bad MP i fed it last night, electrical leak from my powerhead?....just don't know...other then it doesn't appear to be from fighting!!...that much I know...or can tell by the damages...
i dont think thats fighting... could it be some sort of burn?

id do a few water changes over the next week. just incase. smaller amounts. instead of big 50 + % water change.
Aw man, that sucks. At least it wasn't the plat RTG though!

It definitely looks bacterial. Salt and clean water, and hope that this cleans it up.
like i said looks like bad food just by looking at his belly
sucks alot
that tig meant alot to you
whats wierd is it happened over night
usually these things show up slowly
bcarlos is right
i suggest also adding pimafix
It looks bacterial. How does the bottom of your rays look? If it was bacterial your rays bottoms should also be showing signs. If you end up treating your tank for bacteria use either binox or nitrofurazone don't use furan-2 or bifuran as they are not ray safe.
nope...nothing to do with stingers....just got home and everyone seems to be ok....all the rays seems to be ok and swimming none stop as usual....going to do another 20-30% WC this weekend and carry on every 2-3 days to see if any nasties that may be around is removed....I've turned off my powerheads...just not getting a good feel about them and think there might be a leak of some sort...but nothing to prove it right now so not putting them on.....we will see how it goes over the next couple of days...

there's no reason to treat tank with any chems right now...all ray's bottom is normal....as well as disc...really hate treating with chem other then for the water like prime...
goodluck bro
the UVs are on right?
bacterial could be caused by bad food...

Yup..UV's on...fed them frozen shrimps the night before but the funny thing is they ALL had some and the Tig had the least amount....really odd...never had a fish die on me looking like that....
srsly im stumped
if it was in the tank
the rays would be first to get it!
looks almost as if he got stung at the top
and A NASTY infection of the bottom
srsly im stumped
if it was in the tank
the rays would be first to get it!
looks almost as if he got stung at the top
and A NASTY infection of the bottom

your stumped...now I'm not sure what the hell got him...food? powerhead? bacteria? parasite? other tank mates? not even sure what the hell i'm going to feed them now! lol...sigh....just dump in a bunch of massivore..they took a few...going to see how long I can feed them massivore until I see this weekend on their condition....
looks nasty!! for sure
cant be powerheads
if it was you would see more than the tig dead
if he didnt get stung..
its bacterial for sure
its just wierd how he got it only!
was he understress?
ive heard of tigs dieing randomly but this takes the cake
Just not sure if he got stung how his skin got the way it did and the holes on his body. Odd!