Full Tank Mate Update May 2011


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Took photos of inhabitants for May!...












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Hi Chen, what is you plan for backup power?
i think i may just get portable power generator run by fuel and place it in the garage.
cost maybe around $500-800.
because you know the amount of value thats in our tank;$$$$$
Hi Chen, what is you plan for backup power?
i think i may just get portable power generator run by fuel and place it in the garage.
cost maybe around $500-800.
because you know the amount of value thats in our tank;$$$$$

well.....good point!...I do have 2 Penn Plax Battery Back-Up Air Pump that is running my airstones now. They will run on 4 D cell batteries in the event of a power failure....not sure for how long! ....or as long as I have access to D cell batteries!.

I thought about the generator....but having something like that in my small garage scares me....and also if I don't have power in the house for a long period of time and I use a power Gen to keep my fish alive and not for the family...I think my wife would plug me into the gen! LOL.

I will still have to think about that Howard...if all it's going to cost is $500-800 for the gen for emergency that's easily done!
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Chen with your budget you can just get a whole house backup generator and its automatic run with main power is off unlike small back up gen, you need to be home to run it. The red seem slow with color since that is how they are but the gold xb is amazing Chen. Other sell their aro and get something else and you sell your to get 9 more :). Btw there are F1 and F2 bd out there so what happen to your BD. I think they need bigger tank :).
Yes, one must have patiences with reds developments.... And for XBs ..they turned out great and I've noticed they grow at a faster pace then reds.